2.3.2 Generic payloads .................................... 16 ID Payload .................................. 16 Argument Payload ............................ 16
- Channel Payload ............................. 17
- Public Key Payload .......................... 18
- Message Payload ............................. 19
+ Argument List Payload ....................... 16
+ Channel Payload ............................. 17
+ Public Key Payload .......................... 18
+ Message Payload ............................. 19
2.3.3 Disconnect Payload .................................. 22
2.3.4 Success Payload ..................................... 23
2.3.5 Failure Payload ..................................... 23
Figure 2: SILC Packet Header
Figure 3: ID Payload
Figure 4: Argument Payload
-Figure 5: Channel Payload
-Figure 6: Public Key Payload
-Figure 7: Message Payload
-Figure 8: Disconnect Payload
-Figure 9: Success Payload
-Figure 10: Failure Payload
-Figure 11: Reject Payload
-Figure 12: Notify Payload
-Figure 13: Error Payload
-Figure 14: Channel Key Payload
-Figure 15: Private Message Key Payload
-Figure 16: Command Payload
-Figure 17: Connection Auth Request Payload
-Figure 18: New Client Payload
-Figure 19: New Server Payload
-Figure 20: Key Agreement Payload
-Figure 21: Resume Router Payload
-Figure 22: File Transfer Payload
-Figure 23: Resume Client Payload
+Figure 5: Argument List Payload
+Figure 6: Channel Payload
+Figure 7: Public Key Payload
+Figure 8: Message Payload
+Figure 9: Disconnect Payload
+Figure 10: Success Payload
+Figure 11: Failure Payload
+Figure 12: Reject Payload
+Figure 13: Notify Payload
+Figure 14: Error Payload
+Figure 15: Channel Key Payload
+Figure 16: Private Message Key Payload
+Figure 17: Command Payload
+Figure 18: Connection Auth Request Payload
+Figure 19: New Client Payload
+Figure 20: New Server Payload
+Figure 21: Key Agreement Payload
+Figure 22: Resume Router Payload
+Figure 23: File Transfer Payload
+Figure 24: Resume Client Payload
.ti 0
.ti 0
- Channel Payload
+ Argument List Payload
+Argument List Payload is a list of Argument Payloads appended one
+after the other. The number of arguments is indicated in the
+The following diagram represents the Argument List Payload.
+.in 5
+ 1 2 3
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
+| Argument Nums | |
++-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +
+| |
+~ Argument Payloads ~
+| |
+.in 3
+Figure 5: Argument List Payload
+.in 6
+o Argument Nums (2 bytes) - Indicates the number of Argument
+ Payloads. If zero (0) value is found in this field no
+ arguments are present.
+o Argument Payloads (variable length) - The Argument Payloads
+ appended one after the other. The payloads can be decoded
+ since the length of the payload is indicated in each of
+ the Argument Payload.
+.in 3
+.ti 0
+ Channel Payload
Generic Channel Payload may be used to send information about a channel,
its name, the Channel ID and a mode.
.in 3
-Figure 5: New Channel Payload
+Figure 6: New Channel Payload
.in 6
.ti 0
- Public Key Payload
+ Public Key Payload
Generic Public Key Payload may be used to send different type of
public keys and certificates.
.in 3
-Figure 6: Public Key Payload
+Figure 7: Public Key Payload
.in 6
.ti 0
- Message Payload
+ Message Payload
Generic Message Payload can be used to send messages in SILC. It
is used to send channel messages and private messages.
.in 3
-Figure 7: Message Payload
+Figure 8: Message Payload
.in 6
.in 3
-Figure 8: Disconnect Payload
+Figure 9: Disconnect Payload
.in 6
o Status (1 byte) - Indicates the Status Type, defined in [SILC3]
.in 3
-Figure 9: Success Payload
+Figure 10: Success Payload
.in 6
.in 3
-Figure 10: Failure Payload
+Figure 11: Failure Payload
.in 6
.in 3
-Figure 11: Reject Payload
+Figure 12: Reject Payload
.in 6
.in 3
-Figure 12: Notify Payload
+Figure 13: Notify Payload
.in 6
.in 3
-Figure 13: Error Payload
+Figure 14: Error Payload
.in 6
.in 3
-Figure 14: Channel Key Payload
+Figure 15: Channel Key Payload
.in 3
-Figure 15: Private Message Key Payload
+Figure 16: Private Message Key Payload
.in 3
-Figure 16: Command Payload
+Figure 17: Command Payload
.in 6
.in 3
-Figure 17: Connection Auth Request Payload
+Figure 18: Connection Auth Request Payload
.in 6
.in 3
-Figure 18: New Client Payload
+Figure 19: New Client Payload
.in 6
.in 3
-Figure 19: New Server Payload
+Figure 20: New Server Payload
.in 6
.in 3
-Figure 20: Key Agreement Payload
+Figure 21: Key Agreement Payload
.in 6
.in 3
-Figure 21: Resume Router Payload
+Figure 22: Resume Router Payload
.in 6
.in 3
-Figure 22: File Transfer Payload
+Figure 23: File Transfer Payload
.in 6
.in 3
-Figure 23: Resume Client Payload
+Figure 24: Resume Client Payload
.in 6