--- /dev/null
+/* Predefined stub functions for the SilcClientOperation callbacks.
+ You can freely use this template in your application. These are
+ the functions that you as an application programmer need to implement
+ for the library. The library may call these functions at any time.
+ At the end of this file SilcClientOperation structure is defined, and
+ it is the one the you will give as an argument to the silc_client_alloc
+ function. See also lib/silcclient/README file, and silcapi.h. */
+/* Message sent to the application by library. `conn' associates the
+ message to a specific connection. `conn', however, may be NULL.
+ The `type' indicates the type of the message sent by the library.
+ The applicationi can for example filter the message according the
+ type. */
+static void
+silc_say(SilcClient client, SilcClientConnection conn,
+ SilcClientMessageType type, char *msg, ...)
+/* Message for a channel. The `sender' is the sender of the message
+ The `channel' is the channel. */
+static void
+silc_channel_message(SilcClient client, SilcClientConnection conn,
+ SilcClientEntry sender, SilcChannelEntry channel,
+ SilcMessageFlags flags, char *msg)
+/* Private message to the client. The `sender' is the sender of the
+ message. */
+static void
+silc_private_message(SilcClient client, SilcClientConnection conn,
+ SilcClientEntry sender, SilcMessageFlags flags, char *msg)
+/* Notify message to the client. The notify arguments are sent in the
+ same order as servers sends them. The arguments are same as received
+ from the server except for ID's. If ID is received application receives
+ the corresponding entry to the ID. For example, if Client ID is received
+ application receives SilcClientEntry. Also, if the notify type is
+ for channel the channel entry is sent to application (even if server
+ does not send it because client library gets the channel entry from
+ the Channel ID in the packet's header). */
+static void
+silc_notify(SilcClient client, SilcClientConnection conn,
+ SilcNotifyType type, ...)
+/* Command handler. This function is called always in the command function.
+ If error occurs it will be called as well. `conn' is the associated
+ client connection. `cmd_context' is the command context that was
+ originally sent to the command. `success' is FALSE if error occurred
+ during command. `command' is the command being processed. It must be
+ noted that this is not reply from server. This is merely called just
+ after application has called the command. Just to tell application
+ that the command really was processed. */
+static void
+silc_command(SilcClient client, SilcClientConnection conn,
+ SilcClientCommandContext cmd_context, int success,
+ SilcCommand command)
+/* Command reply handler. This function is called always in the command reply
+ function. If error occurs it will be called as well. Normal scenario
+ is that it will be called after the received command data has been parsed
+ and processed. The function is used to pass the received command data to
+ the application.
+ `conn' is the associated client connection. `cmd_payload' is the command
+ payload data received from server and it can be ignored. It is provided
+ if the application would like to re-parse the received command data,
+ however, it must be noted that the data is parsed already by the library
+ thus the payload can be ignored. `success' is FALSE if error occurred.
+ In this case arguments are not sent to the application. The `status' is
+ the command reply status server returned. The `command' is the command
+ reply being processed. The function has variable argument list and each
+ command defines the number and type of arguments it passes to the
+ application (on error they are not sent). */
+static void
+silc_command_reply(SilcClient client, SilcClientConnection conn,
+ SilcCommandPayload cmd_payload, int success,
+ SilcCommand command, SilcCommandStatus status, ...)
+/* Called to indicate that connection was either successfully established
+ or connecting failed. This is also the first time application receives
+ the SilcClientConnection objecet which it should save somewhere.
+ If the `success' is FALSE the application must always call the function
+ silc_client_close_connection. */
+static void
+silc_connect(SilcClient client, SilcClientConnection conn, int success)
+/* Called to indicate that connection was disconnected to the server. */
+static void
+silc_disconnect(SilcClient client, SilcClientConnection conn)
+/* Find authentication method and authentication data by hostname and
+ port. The hostname may be IP address as well. When the authentication
+ method has been resolved the `completion' callback with the found
+ authentication method and authentication data is called. The `conn'
+ may be NULL. */
+static void
+silc_get_auth_method(SilcClient client, SilcClientConnection conn,
+ char *hostname, uint16 port, SilcGetAuthMeth completion,
+ void *context)
+/* Verifies received public key. The `conn_type' indicates which entity
+ (server, client etc.) has sent the public key. If user decides to trust
+ the key may be saved as trusted public key for later use. The
+ `completion' must be called after the public key has been verified. */
+static void
+silc_verify_public_key(SilcClient client, SilcClientConnection conn,
+ SilcSocketType conn_type, unsigned char *pk,
+ uint32 pk_len, SilcSKEPKType pk_type,
+ SilcVerifyPublicKey completion, void *context)
+/* Ask (interact, that is) a passphrase from user. The passphrase is
+ returned to the library by calling the `completion' callback with
+ the `context'. */
+static void
+silc_ask_passphrase(SilcClient client, SilcClientConnection conn,
+ SilcAskPassphrase completion, void *context)
+/* Notifies application that failure packet was received. This is called
+ if there is some protocol active in the client. The `protocol' is the
+ protocol context. The `failure' is opaque pointer to the failure
+ indication. Note, that the `failure' is protocol dependant and
+ application must explicitly cast it to correct type. Usually `failure'
+ is 32 bit failure type (see protocol specs for all protocol failure
+ types). */
+static void
+silc_failure(SilcClient client, SilcClientConnection conn,
+ SilcProtocol protocol, void *failure)
+/* Asks whether the user would like to perform the key agreement protocol.
+ This is called after we have received an key agreement packet or an
+ reply to our key agreement packet. This returns TRUE if the user wants
+ the library to perform the key agreement protocol and FALSE if it is not
+ desired (application may start it later by calling the function
+ silc_client_perform_key_agreement). If TRUE is returned also the
+ `completion' and `context' arguments must be set by the application. */
+static int
+silc_key_agreement(SilcClient client, SilcClientConnection conn,
+ SilcClientEntry client_entry, const char *hostname,
+ uint16 port, SilcKeyAgreementCallback *completion,
+ void **context)
+/* Notifies application that file transfer protocol session is being
+ requested by the remote client indicated by the `client_entry' from
+ the `hostname' and `port'. The `session_id' is the file transfer
+ session and it can be used to either accept or reject the file
+ transfer request, by calling the silc_client_file_receive or
+ silc_client_file_close, respectively. */
+static void
+silc_ftp(SilcClient client, SilcClientConnection conn,
+ SilcClientEntry client_entry, uint32 session_id,
+ const char *hostname, uint16 port)
+/* The SilcClientOperation structure containing the operation functions.
+ You will give this as an argument to silc_client_alloc function. */
+SilcClientOperations ops = {
+ silc_say,
+ silc_channel_message,
+ silc_private_message,
+ silc_notify,
+ silc_command,
+ silc_command_reply,
+ silc_connect,
+ silc_disconnect,
+ silc_get_auth_method,
+ silc_verify_public_key,
+ silc_ask_passphrase,
+ silc_failure,
+ silc_key_agreement,
+ silc_ftp