--- /dev/null
+How to Cceate SILC distributions
+This document describes how to prepare SILC distributions in SILC source
+tree and how to package distributions for releasing. This also defines
+the procedure what one should do when distribution is created for
+The 'distributions' file
+The 'distributions' file descibres all distributions that can be created
+from the SILC CVS source tree. You should read that file if you want to
+learn how to create new distributions. The file already defines the main
+distributions that can be created from the soure tree. These are the
+'client, 'server' and 'toolkit' distributions.
+Preparing distribution
+The SILC CVS source tree must be prepared before it can be configured,
+compiled and packaged. The ./prepare script is used to prepare
+distribution for configuration, compilation and packaging. To prepare a
+specific distribution with specific version, give command:
+ ./prepare <name> <version>
+Where the <name> is the distribution name. It is one of the distributions
+that was defined in 'distributions' file. The <version> is the version of
+the distribution that will be prepared. The version format is
+major.minor.build, for example 0.9.10. Example:
+ ./prepare client 0.9.15
+This prepares 'client' distribution of version 0.9.15. The package will
+have the version 0.9.15 automatically.
+NOTE for 'toolkit' distribution: The toolkit version is defined in the
+'prepare' file itself. Edit the SILC_VERSION variable inside the
+'prepare' script, and then run the prepare without the version argument.
+Configuring and compiling the distribution
+When you prepare the distribution for releasing you should configure the
+distribution without any specific configuration options, hence just give
+the command:
+ ./configure
+To compile the distribution, give command:
+ make
+If you want you can clear the environment first with make clean command,
+but this is not necessary.
+Packaging the distribution
+After the distribution is prepared, configured and compiled it can be
+packaged with the following commands:
+ make dist
+ make dist-bzip
+The first command creates a gzipped distribution and the second creates a
+bzipped distribution.
+NOTE: Before giving this command, make sure that you do not have any of
+the tests in the SILC source tree compiled. If they are the binaries
+will be included in the distribution which is not allowed. The tests are
+always located in the tests/ directory, for example lib/silccore/tests/.
+The tests are not compiled by default, but if you compiled them by
+yourself make sure you make clean them before creating the distribution.
+NOTE: Same thing must be assured for silcer/ and tutorial/ sub
+directories. Make sure they are not compiled and does not include any
+extra files. If you haven't compiled them after the CVS checkout, they do
+not include any extra files.
+NOTE for 'toolkit' distribution: Before giving make dist the following
+must be done:
+ go to util/robodoc/
+ give ./configure;make to compile robodoc
+ go to doc/
+ give make toolkit-ref-html
+This then creates the Toolkit reference manual. After this the toolkit
+distribution can be packaged.
+Before releasing the distribution
+Before releasing the distribution the created distribution must be tagged
+in the CVS so that it can be checkout at a later time, if needed. The tag
+format is as follows:
+ silc_<name>_<version>
+Where <name> is the distribution name and <version> is the version of the
+distribution in following format: major_minor_build, for example 0_9_10.
+ silc_client_0_9_15
+To tag the distribution go to the root of the SILC CVS source tree and
+give, for example, command:
+ cvs tag silc_client_0_9_15