--- /dev/null
+<big><b>SilcStatus Arguments</b></big>
+<br /> <br />
+The <a href="silccore-SilcStatus.html">SilcStatus</a> is used to indicate
+a status (usually error status) of command execution and command reply
+status. It is also used to deliver disconnection status when server
+disconnects client from the server. For application it is mainly important
+in case of `command_reply' client operation, where the SilcStatus indicates
+the error status of the command that was executed. If error occurred the
+arguments returned by the `command_reply' are then dependent of the SilcStatus
+type instead of the <a href="command_reply_args.html">SilcCommand
+<br /> <br />
+This documents describes how the application should interpret the SilcStatus
+type in the `command_reply' client operation to be able to handle all
+error conditions properly. Any status type can be returned for any
+SilcCommand. For this reason application should be able to handle any
+error with any command.
+<br /> <br /> <br />
+<b>Error Status In command_reply Client Operation</b>
+<br /> <br />
+When error occurs in execution of a command the `command_reply' client
+operation is called with error status. In this case the 'success'
+argument of the client operation is set to FALSE, to indicate that command
+execution failed, and the 'status' argument indicates the error.
+If the 'status' argument is SILC_STATUS_OK then error did not occur and the
+arguments are as described in <a href="command_reply_args.html">SilcCommand
+<br /> <br />
+Application should handle the error status arguments by the SilcStatus
+type for example in a <tt>switch</tt> statement. The SilcStatus values
+are defined in lib/silccore/silcstatus.h header file. A short example.
+<br /> <br />
+ switch(status)<br />
+ {<br />
+ ...<br />
+ nick = va_arg(va, char *);<br />
+ ...<br />
+ break;<br />
+ ...<br />
+ break;<br />
+ ...<br />
+ break;<br />
+ ...<br />
+ default:<br />
+ break;<br />
+ }
+<br /> <br /> <br />
+<br /> <br />
+The following table describes all status values and arguments that the client
+library sends in the 'command_reply' client operation to the application
+in case of error. By default all arguments that the library sends to
+application are valid pointers. However, it is possible that some pointers
+may be NULL. If this is the case it is separately mentioned that the
+argument may be NULL. In this case application must ignore that argument.
+<br /> <br />
+The 'command_reply' arguments in case of error are as follows:
+<br /> <br />
+<table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
+<td width="50%"><small>Error Arguments</td>
+No error.
+<td width="50%"><small>N/A
+Requested nickname does not exist. Argument is the unknown name.
+<td width="50%"><small>const char *nickname
+The requested channel does not exist. Argument is the unknown name.
+<td width="50%"><small>const char *channel_name
+The requested server does not exist. Argument is the unknown name.
+<td width="50%"><small>const char *server_name
+Command required recipient but none was provided. No arguments returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>N/A
+Command sent to server is unknown or unsupported by the server. No
+arguments returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>N/A
+Wildcards were provided by they were not permitted. No arguments returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>N/A
+Client ID was expected as command parameter but was not found. No
+arguments returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>N/A
+Channel ID was expected as command parameter but was not found. No
+arguments returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>N/A
+Server ID was expected as command parameter but was not found. No
+arguments returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>N/A
+Client ID provided was malformed. Returns the malformed ID.
+<td width="50%"><small>const SilcClientID *client_id
+Channel ID provided was malformed. Returns the malformed ID.
+<td width="50%"><small>const SilcChannelID *channel_id
+Server ID provided was malformed. Returns the malformed ID.
+<td width="50%"><small>const SilcServerID *server_id
+Client ID provided does not exist. The unknown ID is returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>const SilcClientID *client_id
+Channel ID provided does not exist. The unknown ID is returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>const SilcChannelID *channel_id
+Server ID provided does not exist. The unknown ID is returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>const SilcServerID *server_id
+The command required for you to be on channel but you were not.
+The channel is returned. The 'channel' may be NULL.
+<td width="50%"><small>SilcChannelEntry channel
+The requested target client is not on requested channel. Returns the
+target client and channel. The 'target_client' and 'channel' may be NULL.
+<td width="50%"><small>SilcClientEntry target_client, SilcChannelEntry channel
+User were invited on channel they already are on. Returns the
+target client and channel. The 'target_client' and 'channel' may be NULL.
+<td width="50%"><small>SilcClientEntry target_client, SilcChannelEntry channel
+User executed command that requires the client to be registered on the
+server before it may be executed. No arguments returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>N/A
+Command required more parameters than provided. No arguments returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>N/A
+Too many parameters provided for the command. No arguments returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>N/A
+Generic permission denied error status, to indicat disallowed access.
+No arguments returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>N/A
+Password provided for channel were not accepted. No arguments returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>N/A
+The channel is full and client cannot join the channel. Returns the
+channel, which may be NULL.
+<td width="50%"><small>SilcChannelEntry channel
+The channel is invite only channel and client has not been invited.
+Returns the channel, which may be NULL.
+<td width="50%"><small>SilcChannelEntry channel
+The client has been banned from the channel. Returns the channel, which
+may be NULL.
+<td width="50%"><small>SilcChannelEntry channel
+Mode provided by the client was unknown to or unsupported by the server.
+No arguments returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>N/A
+User tried to change someone else's mode which is not allowed.
+No arguments returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>N/A
+Command may be executed only by channel operator. The next argument is
+the channel, which may be NULL.
+<td width="50%"><small>SilcChannelEntry channel
+Command may be executed only by channel founder. The next argument is
+the channel, which may be NULL.
+<td width="50%"><small>SilcChannelEntry channel
+Command may be executed only by server operator. No arguments returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>N/A
+Command may be executed only by router (SILC) operator. No arguments returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>N/A
+Nickname requested contained illegal characters or was malformed. No
+arguments returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>N/A
+Channel name requested contained illegal characters or was malformed. No
+arguments returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>N/A
+The authentication data (passphrase or digital signature) sent as argument
+was wrong and thus authentication failed. No arguments returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>N/A
+The server does not support requested algorithm. Returns the unknown
+<td width="50%"><small>const char *alg_name
+Server cannot or will not accept the action due to resource limitations.
+No arguments returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>N/A
+Requestes service identifier is unknown. Returns the unknown service
+<td width="50%"><small>const char *service_identifier
+Operation (command execution) or service request timed out, and thus was
+not processed. This usually happens due to network failure between servers
+and routers in the network. No arguments returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>N/A
+The public key or certificate type is not supported in ths implementation.
+No arguments returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>N/A
+A operation, for example a command, is not allowed or it's execution is
+not allowed. No arguments returned.
+<td width="50%"><small>N/A
+<br /> <br />
+SILC protocol defines some additional status types but those status
+types are not returned in `command_reply' client operation. Only
+the status types listed above are delivered to application.