--- /dev/null
+ Index file for SILC Toolkit Reference Manual. This file is processed with
+ the SILC Document generator.
+<FONT SIZE="+3" COLOR="#000044"><B>SILC Toolkit Reference Manual</B></FONT>
+Copyright (C) GNU GPL 2001 The SILC Project<BR>
<FONT SIZE="+3">SILC Client Library</FONT><BR><BR>
<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#000044"><B>Introduction</B></FONT><BR><BR>
+<PRE><FONT FACE="Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif">
SILC Client Library is SILC Client implementation without the actual user
interface. The library uses common and core components of SILC protocol from
lib/silccore library and normal utility routines from lib/silcutil library.
it does not include any user interface specific issues such as window
handling or item handling on the screen etc. These does not interest
the library.
<LI><A HREF="silcapi.html">SILC Client API</A>
<FONT SIZE="+3">SILC Core Library</FONT><BR><BR>
<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#000044"><B>Introduction</B></FONT><BR><BR>
+<PRE><FONT FACE="Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif">
SILC Core Library includes all the core components of the SILC Protocol.
It provides routines to encode and decode all SILC packet payloads defined
in the protocol specification. It provides packet assembling and parsing
routines, and routines for sending private message and channel messages.
<LI><A HREF="silcauth.html">SILC Auth API</A>
# Generate the index and TOC files from the DIRECTORY files
files=`find $SRC -name "DIRECTORY"`
- index=`find $SRC -name "LIBINDEX"`
- curdate=`date`
- sed -e "/@DATE@/s//$curdate/" $index >$DST/index.html
+ touch $DST/index.html.tmp
for i in $files
# Get library name
sh gen.sh index.php $DST/$fname $DST/$fname
# Generate the link for the top index.html for this library
- echo "<LI><A HREF="$fname">$name</A>" >>$DST/index.html
+ echo "<LI><A HREF="$fname">$name</A>" >>$DST/index.html.tmp
# Generate the top index.html file
+ index=`find $SRC -name "LIBINDEX"`
+ curdate=`date`
+ sed -e "/@DATE@/s//$curdate/" -e "/@BODY@/ r $DST/index.html.tmp" -e s/@BODY@//g $index >$DST/index.html
sh gen.sh gen_toc.php $DST/index.html $DST/index.html
sh gen.sh index.php $DST/index.html $DST/index.html
+ rm -rf $DST/index.html.tmp
rm -rf /tmp/silcdoc.html