After compilation there should be silc.dll and silcclient.dll files in
the lib/ directory. It will also generate silc.lib and silcclient.lib
files for linking against a client application.
+Compiling SILC Toolkit with Cygwin
+Compiling the Toolkit with Cygwin is equivalent to compiling with MinGW
+except that the ./configure does not take the --with-win32 option. In this
+case it will compile using Cygwin's libraries and the binaries will require
+the Cygwin DLL.
client_SUBDIRS_lib=contrib silccore silccrypt silcsim silcmath silcske silcutil trq silcclient
# SILC Server distribution
server_SUBDIRS=lib silcd doc includes
server_SUBDIRS_lib=contrib silccore silccrypt silcsim silcmath silcske silcutil trq dotconf
# Native WIN32 SILC library distribution (will include only the libraries)
win32dll_SUBDIRS=lib doc includes