$Id$ There are two possibilities, if you have a system that supports auto configuration (most Unix systems), then use: ./configure make make docall become root and do make install If your system does not support auto-configuration, then have a look at Source/makefile.plain you can build robodoc with make -f makefile.plain Additional documentation is provided in Docs/, in the form of robodoc.html. For a good example of how to use ROBODoc see the ROBODoc source code. To see what kind of documentation can generated with ROBODoc, change to Source/ and do a make xhtml make example or make -f makefile.plain example It assumes you have netscape installed. If you want to see the LaTeX documentation use make xtex make texview gv ROBODoc_mi.ps Also have a look at the example makefile in the Docs/ directory. Have fun, Frans.