New Open Source project called Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) has been started. Initial development version of the software is available for testing.

SILC (Secure Internet Live Conferencing) is a protocol which provides secure conferencing services in the Internet over insecure channel. SILC is IRC like software although internally they are very different. Biggest similiarity between SILC and IRC is that they both provide conferencing services and that SILC has almost same commands as IRC. Other than that they are nothing alike. Biggest differences are that SILC is secure what IRC is not in any way. The network model is also entirely different compared to IRC.

SILC is an open source (or freeware) project and it has been released under the GNU General Public Licence. The SILC is free to use and everyone is free to distribute and change the SILC under the terms of the GNU GPL. While there is no guarantee for the product SILC has been tried make as secure as possible. Developers are needed and everyone is free to contribute their time, skills and ideas for the project.

Official SILC Project home page:

SILC Development Version is available for download from following addresses:

HTTP: silc-28062000.tar.gz (1.1 MB)
FTP: silc-28062000.tar.gz (1.1 MB)

The SILC protocol specification is available from following addresses:


Author's contact information:

Pekka Riikonen
Home page: