Public SILC Mailing Lists
There is currently one mailing list available. The mailing list is the main SILC development mailing list. It is currently quite low volume so you can safely subscribe on to it. To send email to the list the email must be destined to: address.
To see prior postings to the list, browse the silc-devel archives.
Subscribing to silc-devel
To subscribe to silc-devel mailing list send email to the following address:, and add the following line to the body of the email.
subscribe yourpassword
You must set a password that you can use to modify your settings. It must also be provided if you will unsubscribe from the list. The email address you are using to send the email will be added to the mailing list. You will receive a confirmation email to which you must reply in order to complete the subscribing process.
You can also use the following link to do the subscribing if you want:
subscribe to silc-devel
Unsubscribing from silc-devel
To unsubcribe from the silc-devel mailing list send email to the following address:, and add the following line to the body of the email.
unsubscribe yourpassword [address]
You must give the password you set in the subscribing process. If you are unsubscribing from different address you must give the email address too.
You can also use the following link to do the unsubscribing if you want:
unsubscribe from silc-devel
Basic instructions for submitting patches
- use the unified output format for the diff (diff -u)
- use diff, not cvs diff
- send the patch to the mailing list, and add those people that should know about it on CC:
- submit ready patches. if they are not ready then sending them to people who are involved in the development is preferred. the patch might face several round trips so sending patches which are ready is preffered
- include the patch in the body of the email or attach it
- send separate patches for every bugfix or feature
- if you think that your work is benefical to the development of the SILC and would like to be listed in the CREDITS file in SILC packages, you can submit patches for the CREDITS file too. Nobody will be added there without a patch, this way those who don't want to see their name there won't get there
- do not submit bugs ;)