/* silcssh.c Author: Pekka Riikonen Copyright (C) 2007 Pekka Riikonen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "silc.h" /************************* Static utility functions *************************/ /* Key fields destructor */ static void silc_ssh_field_dest(void *key, void *context, void *user_context) { silc_free(key); silc_free(context); } /* Parse header line from key. Doesn't return the line termination characters. */ SilcBool silc_ssh_parse_line(SilcBuffer key, SilcBuffer line, SilcBool cont) { char *tmp; int i, data_len; SilcBool valid = cont; data_len = silc_buffer_len(key); tmp = silc_buffer_data(key); for (i = 0; i < data_len; i++) { /* All header lines must have ':' character */ if (!cont && tmp[i] == ':') valid = TRUE; if ((data_len - i >= 1 && tmp[i] == '\r') || (data_len - i >= 1 && tmp[i] == '\n')) { if (!valid) return FALSE; if (line) silc_buffer_set(line, tmp, i); if (data_len - i >= 2 && tmp[i] == '\r' && tmp[i + 1] == '\n') silc_buffer_pull(key, i + 2); else silc_buffer_pull(key, i + 1); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /* Allocate fields hash table */ SilcHashTable silc_ssh_allocate_fields(void) { return silc_hash_table_alloc(NULL, 0, silc_hash_string_case, NULL, silc_hash_string_case_compare, NULL, silc_ssh_field_dest, NULL, TRUE); } /* Parse key headers and return them into a hash table */ SilcHashTable silc_ssh_parse_headers(SilcBuffer key) { SilcHashTable fields; unsigned char *field, *value; SilcBufferStruct line, v; SilcBool quoted = FALSE; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Parsing SSH key headers")); fields = silc_ssh_allocate_fields(); if (!fields) return NULL; /* Parse the fields */ while (silc_buffer_len(key) > 0) { if (!silc_ssh_parse_line(key, &line, FALSE)) break; /* Get field */ field = strchr(silc_buffer_data(&line), ':'); if (!field) goto err; if (field - silc_buffer_data(&line) > 64) goto err; field = silc_memdup(silc_buffer_data(&line), field - silc_buffer_data(&line)); if (!field) goto err; /* Skip ':' and following whitespace */ if (!silc_buffer_pull(&line, strlen(field) + 2)) goto err; /* Get value */ memset(&v, 0, sizeof(v)); silc_buffer_format(&v, SILC_STR_DATA(silc_buffer_data(&line), silc_buffer_len(&line)), SILC_STR_END); /* Handle quoted Comment lines by removing the quotation */ if (*silc_buffer_data(&v) == '"' && !strcmp(field, "Comment")) quoted = TRUE; /* Handle wrapping value lines */ while (silc_buffer_len(&v) > 0) { if (*silc_buffer_data(&v) == '\\') { if (!silc_ssh_parse_line(key, &line, TRUE)) goto err; silc_buffer_format(&v, SILC_STR_DATA(silc_buffer_data(&line), silc_buffer_len(&line)), SILC_STR_END); continue; } silc_buffer_pull(&v, 1); } silc_buffer_start(&v); if (silc_buffer_len(&v) > 1024) goto err; if (quoted) { /* If the last character is quotation also, remove the quotation */ if (*(silc_buffer_data(&v) + silc_buffer_len(&v) - 1) == '"') { silc_buffer_pull(&v, 1); silc_buffer_push_tail(&v, 1); } } value = silc_memdup(silc_buffer_data(&v), silc_buffer_len(&v)); if (!value) goto err; silc_buffer_purge(&v); /* Add to hash table */ SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Header '%s' '%s'", field, value)); silc_hash_table_add(fields, field, value); } return fields; err: SILC_LOG_ERROR(("Malformed SSH2 key headers")); silc_hash_table_free(fields); return NULL; } /******************************* SILC SSH API *******************************/ /* Generate key pair */ SilcBool silc_ssh_generate_key(const char *algorithm, int bits_len, SilcRng rng, const char *subject, SilcPublicKey *ret_public_key, SilcPrivateKey *ret_private_key) { SilcSshPublicKey pubkey; SilcSshPrivateKey privkey; const SilcPKCSAlgorithm *alg; const SilcPKCSObject *pkcs; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Generating SSH2 %s key pair with key length %d bits", algorithm, bits_len)); if (!rng) return FALSE; pkcs = silc_pkcs_find_pkcs(SILC_PKCS_SSH2); if (!pkcs) return FALSE; /* Allocate SSH public key */ pubkey = silc_calloc(1, sizeof(*pubkey)); if (!pubkey) return FALSE; /* Allocate algorithm */ alg = silc_pkcs_find_algorithm(algorithm, "ssh"); if (!alg) { SILC_LOG_ERROR(("Public key algorithm %s/ssh not supported", algorithm)); silc_free(pubkey); return FALSE; } pubkey->pkcs = alg; pubkey->type = SILC_SSH_KEY_OPENSSH; /* Allocate SSH private key */ privkey = silc_calloc(1, sizeof(*privkey)); if (!privkey) { silc_free(pubkey); return FALSE; } privkey->pkcs = alg; privkey->type = SILC_SSH_KEY_OPENSSH; /* Allocate public key */ *ret_public_key = silc_calloc(1, sizeof(**ret_public_key)); if (!(*ret_public_key)) { silc_free(pubkey); silc_free(privkey); return FALSE; } (*ret_public_key)->pkcs = (SilcPKCSObject *)pkcs; (*ret_public_key)->alg = alg; (*ret_public_key)->public_key = pubkey; /* Allocate private key */ *ret_private_key = silc_calloc(1, sizeof(**ret_private_key)); if (!(*ret_private_key)) { silc_free(pubkey); silc_free(privkey); silc_free(*ret_public_key); return FALSE; } (*ret_private_key)->pkcs = (SilcPKCSObject *)pkcs; (*ret_private_key)->alg = alg; (*ret_private_key)->private_key = privkey; /* Generate the algorithm key pair */ if (!alg->generate_key(alg, bits_len, rng, &pubkey->public_key, &privkey->private_key)) { silc_free(pubkey); silc_free(privkey); silc_free(*ret_public_key); silc_free(*ret_private_key); return FALSE; } if (subject) silc_ssh_public_key_add_field(pubkey, "Subject", subject); return TRUE; } /* Decode SSH public key. */ int silc_ssh_public_key_decode(unsigned char *key, SilcUInt32 key_len, SilcSshPublicKey *ret_public_key) { SilcSshPublicKey public_key; const SilcPKCSAlgorithm *alg; SilcBufferStruct keybuf; char *type = NULL; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Parse SSH2 public key")); if (!ret_public_key) return 0; public_key = silc_calloc(1, sizeof(*public_key)); if (!public_key) return 0; silc_buffer_set(&keybuf, key, key_len); SILC_LOG_HEXDUMP(("SSH public key, len %d", key_len), key, key_len); /* Parse public key type */ if (silc_buffer_unformat(&keybuf, SILC_STR_ADVANCE, SILC_STR_UI32_STRING_ALLOC(&type), SILC_STR_END) < 0) { SILC_LOG_ERROR(("Malformed SSH2 public key")); goto err; } SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("SSH2 public key type %s", type)); if (!strcmp(type, "ssh-rsa")) { /* RSA public key */ alg = silc_pkcs_find_algorithm("rsa", "ssh"); if (!alg) { SILC_LOG_ERROR(("Unsupported SSH2 public key type '%s'", type)); goto err; } public_key->pkcs = alg; } else if (!strcmp(type, "ssh-dss")) { /* DSS public key */ alg = silc_pkcs_find_algorithm("dsa", "ssh"); if (!alg) { SILC_LOG_ERROR(("Unsupported SSH2 public key type '%s'", type)); goto err; } public_key->pkcs = alg; } else { SILC_LOG_ERROR(("Unsupported SSH2 public key type '%s'", type)); goto err; } /* Parse the algorithm specific public key */ if (!alg->import_public_key(alg, silc_buffer_data(&keybuf), silc_buffer_len(&keybuf), &public_key->public_key)) goto err; silc_free(type); *ret_public_key = public_key; return key_len; err: silc_free(type); silc_free(public_key); return 0; } /* Encode SSH public key */ unsigned char *silc_ssh_public_key_encode(SilcStack stack, SilcSshPublicKey public_key, SilcUInt32 *ret_key_len) { const SilcPKCSAlgorithm *alg = public_key->pkcs; SilcBufferStruct buf; unsigned char *pk = NULL, tmp[16]; SilcUInt32 pk_len; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Encode SSH2 public key")); /* Get algorithm name */ if (!strcmp(alg->name, "rsa")) silc_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "ssh-rsa"); else if (!strcmp(alg->name, "dsa")) silc_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "ssh-dss"); else return NULL; /* Export PKCS algorithm public key */ if (alg->export_public_key) pk = alg->export_public_key(alg, stack, public_key->public_key, &pk_len); if (!pk) { SILC_LOG_ERROR(("Error exporting PKCS algorithm key")); return NULL; } /* Encode public key */ memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); if (silc_buffer_sformat(stack, &buf, SILC_STR_UI_INT(strlen(tmp)), SILC_STR_UI32_STRING(tmp), SILC_STR_UI_XNSTRING(pk, pk_len), SILC_STR_END) < 0) { silc_sfree(stack, pk); return NULL; } silc_sfree(stack, pk); pk = silc_buffer_steal(&buf, ret_key_len); return pk; } /* Free public key */ void silc_ssh_public_key_free(SilcSshPublicKey public_key) { if (public_key->fields) silc_hash_table_free(public_key->fields); public_key->pkcs->public_key_free(public_key->pkcs, public_key->public_key); silc_free(public_key); } /* Return public key header field value */ const char *silc_ssh_public_key_get_field(SilcSshPublicKey public_key, const char *field) { char *value; if (!field || !public_key->fields) return NULL; if (!silc_hash_table_find(public_key->fields, (void *)field, NULL, (void *)&value)) return NULL; return (const char *)value; } /* Add public key header value */ SilcBool silc_ssh_public_key_add_field(SilcSshPublicKey public_key, const char *field, const char *value) { if (!field || !value) return FALSE; if (!public_key->fields) { public_key->fields = silc_hash_table_alloc(NULL, 0, silc_hash_string_case, NULL, silc_hash_string_case_compare, NULL, silc_ssh_field_dest, NULL, TRUE); if (!public_key->fields) return FALSE; } return silc_hash_table_add(public_key->fields, strdup(field), strdup(value)); } /* Set public key type */ void silc_ssh_public_key_set_type(SilcSshPublicKey public_key, SilcSshKeyType type) { public_key->type = type; }