/* silcauth.c Author: Pekka Riikonen Copyright (C) 2001 Pekka Riikonen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* $Id$ */ #include "silcincludes.h" #include "silcauth.h" /****************************************************************************** Authentication Payload ******************************************************************************/ /* Authentication Payload structure */ struct SilcAuthPayloadStruct { uint16 len; uint16 auth_method; uint16 random_len; unsigned char *random_data; uint16 auth_len; unsigned char *auth_data; }; /* Parses and returns Authentication Payload */ SilcAuthPayload silc_auth_payload_parse(unsigned char *data, uint32 data_len) { SilcBufferStruct buffer; SilcAuthPayload new; int ret; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Parsing Authentication Payload")); silc_buffer_set(&buffer, data, data_len); new = silc_calloc(1, sizeof(*new)); /* Parse the payload */ ret = silc_buffer_unformat(&buffer, SILC_STR_UI_SHORT(&new->len), SILC_STR_UI_SHORT(&new->auth_method), SILC_STR_UI16_NSTRING_ALLOC(&new->random_data, &new->random_len), SILC_STR_UI16_NSTRING_ALLOC(&new->auth_data, &new->auth_len), SILC_STR_END); if (ret == -1) { silc_free(new); return NULL; } if (new->len != buffer.len) { silc_auth_payload_free(new); return NULL; } /* If password authentication, random data must not be set */ if (new->auth_method == SILC_AUTH_PASSWORD && new->random_len) { silc_auth_payload_free(new); return NULL; } return new; } /* Encodes authentication payload into buffer and returns it */ SilcBuffer silc_auth_payload_encode(SilcAuthMethod method, unsigned char *random_data, uint16 random_len, unsigned char *auth_data, uint16 auth_len) { SilcBuffer buffer; uint32 len; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Encoding Authentication Payload")); len = 2 + 2 + 2 + random_len + 2 + auth_len; buffer = silc_buffer_alloc(len); silc_buffer_pull_tail(buffer, SILC_BUFFER_END(buffer)); silc_buffer_format(buffer, SILC_STR_UI_SHORT(len), SILC_STR_UI_SHORT(method), SILC_STR_UI_SHORT(random_len), SILC_STR_UI_XNSTRING(random_data, random_len), SILC_STR_UI_SHORT(auth_len), SILC_STR_UI_XNSTRING(auth_data, auth_len), SILC_STR_END); return buffer; } /* Frees authentication payload. */ void silc_auth_payload_free(SilcAuthPayload payload) { if (payload) { if (payload->random_data) { memset(payload->random_data, 0, payload->random_len); silc_free(payload->random_data); } if (payload->auth_data) { memset(payload->auth_data, 0, payload->auth_len); silc_free(payload->auth_data); } silc_free(payload); } } /* Get authentication method */ SilcAuthMethod silc_auth_get_method(SilcAuthPayload payload) { return payload->auth_method; } /* Get the authentication data */ unsigned char *silc_auth_get_data(SilcAuthPayload payload, uint32 *auth_len) { if (auth_len) *auth_len = payload->auth_len; return payload->auth_data; } /****************************************************************************** Authentication Routines ******************************************************************************/ /* Encodes the authentication data for hashing and signing as the protocol dictates. */ static unsigned char * silc_auth_public_key_encode_data(SilcPublicKey public_key, unsigned char *random, uint32 random_len, void *id, SilcIdType type, uint32 *ret_len) { SilcBuffer buf; unsigned char *pk, *id_data, *ret; uint32 pk_len, id_len; pk = silc_pkcs_public_key_encode(public_key, &pk_len); if (!pk) return NULL; id_data = silc_id_id2str(id, type); if (!id_data) { silc_free(pk); return NULL; } id_len = silc_id_get_len(id, type); buf = silc_buffer_alloc(random_len + id_len + pk_len); silc_buffer_pull_tail(buf, SILC_BUFFER_END(buf)); silc_buffer_format(buf, SILC_STR_UI_XNSTRING(random, random_len), SILC_STR_UI_XNSTRING(id_data, id_len), SILC_STR_UI_XNSTRING(pk, pk_len), SILC_STR_END); ret = silc_calloc(buf->len + 1, sizeof(*ret)); memcpy(ret, buf->data, buf->len); if (ret_len) *ret_len = buf->len; silc_buffer_free(buf); silc_free(id_data); silc_free(pk); return ret; } /* Generates Authentication Payload with authentication data. This is used to do public key based authentication. This generates the random data and the actual authentication data. Returns NULL on error. */ SilcBuffer silc_auth_public_key_auth_generate(SilcPublicKey public_key, SilcPrivateKey private_key, SilcHash hash, void *id, SilcIdType type) { unsigned char *random; unsigned char auth_data[1024]; uint32 auth_len; unsigned char *tmp; uint32 tmp_len; SilcBuffer buf; SilcPKCS pkcs; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Generating Authentication Payload with data")); /* Get 256 bytes of random data */ random = silc_rng_global_get_rn_data(256); if (!random) return NULL; /* Encode the auth data */ tmp = silc_auth_public_key_encode_data(public_key, random, 256, id, type, &tmp_len); if (!tmp) return NULL; /* Allocate PKCS object */ if (!silc_pkcs_alloc(public_key->name, &pkcs)) { memset(tmp, 0, tmp_len); silc_free(tmp); return NULL; } silc_pkcs_public_key_set(pkcs, public_key); silc_pkcs_private_key_set(pkcs, private_key); /* Compute the hash and the signature. */ if (!silc_pkcs_sign_with_hash(pkcs, hash, tmp, tmp_len, auth_data, &auth_len)) { memset(random, 0, 256); memset(tmp, 0, tmp_len); silc_free(tmp); silc_free(random); silc_pkcs_free(pkcs); return NULL; } /* Encode Authentication Payload */ buf = silc_auth_payload_encode(SILC_AUTH_PUBLIC_KEY, random, 256, auth_data, auth_len); memset(tmp, 0, tmp_len); memset(auth_data, 0, sizeof(auth_data)); memset(random, 0, 256); silc_free(tmp); silc_free(random); silc_pkcs_free(pkcs); return buf; } /* Verifies the authentication data. Returns TRUE if authentication was successful. */ int silc_auth_public_key_auth_verify(SilcAuthPayload payload, SilcPublicKey public_key, SilcHash hash, void *id, SilcIdType type) { unsigned char *tmp; uint32 tmp_len; SilcPKCS pkcs; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Verifying authentication data")); /* Encode auth data */ tmp = silc_auth_public_key_encode_data(public_key, payload->random_data, payload->random_len, id, type, &tmp_len); if (!tmp) { SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Authentication failed")); return FALSE; } /* Allocate PKCS object */ if (!silc_pkcs_alloc(public_key->name, &pkcs)) { memset(tmp, 0, tmp_len); silc_free(tmp); return FALSE; } silc_pkcs_public_key_set(pkcs, public_key); /* Verify the authentication data */ if (!silc_pkcs_verify_with_hash(pkcs, hash, payload->auth_data, payload->auth_len, tmp, tmp_len)) { memset(tmp, 0, tmp_len); silc_free(tmp); silc_pkcs_free(pkcs); SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Authentication failed")); return FALSE; } memset(tmp, 0, tmp_len); silc_free(tmp); silc_pkcs_free(pkcs); SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Authentication successful")); return TRUE; } /* Same as above but the payload is not parsed yet. This will parse it. */ int silc_auth_public_key_auth_verify_data(SilcBuffer payload, SilcPublicKey public_key, SilcHash hash, void *id, SilcIdType type) { SilcAuthPayload auth_payload; int ret; auth_payload = silc_auth_payload_parse(payload->data, payload->len); if (!auth_payload) { SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Authentication failed")); return FALSE; } ret = silc_auth_public_key_auth_verify(auth_payload, public_key, hash, id, type); silc_auth_payload_free(auth_payload); return ret; } /* Verifies the authentication data directly from the Authentication Payload. Supports all authentication methods. If the authentication method is passphrase based then the `auth_data' and `auth_data_len' are the passphrase and its length. If the method is public key authentication then the `auth_data' is the SilcPublicKey and the `auth_data_len' is ignored. */ int silc_auth_verify(SilcAuthPayload payload, SilcAuthMethod auth_method, void *auth_data, uint32 auth_data_len, SilcHash hash, void *id, SilcIdType type) { SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Verifying authentication")); if (auth_method != payload->auth_method) return FALSE; switch (payload->auth_method) { case SILC_AUTH_NONE: /* No authentication */ SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("No authentication required")); return TRUE; case SILC_AUTH_PASSWORD: /* Passphrase based authentication. The `pkcs', `hash', `id' and `type' arguments are not needed. */ if (!memcmp(payload->auth_data, auth_data, payload->auth_len)) { SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Authentication successful")); return TRUE; } break; case SILC_AUTH_PUBLIC_KEY: /* Public key based authentication */ return silc_auth_public_key_auth_verify(payload, (SilcPublicKey)auth_data, hash, id, type); break; default: break; } SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Authentication failed")); return FALSE; } /* Same as above but parses the authentication payload before verify. */ int silc_auth_verify_data(unsigned char *payload, uint32 payload_len, SilcAuthMethod auth_method, void *auth_data, uint32 auth_data_len, SilcHash hash, void *id, SilcIdType type) { SilcAuthPayload auth_payload; int ret; auth_payload = silc_auth_payload_parse(payload, payload_len); if (!auth_payload) return FALSE; ret = silc_auth_verify(auth_payload, auth_method, auth_data, auth_data_len, hash, id, type); silc_auth_payload_free(auth_payload); return ret; } /****************************************************************************** Key Agreement Payload ******************************************************************************/ /* The Key Agreement protocol structure */ struct SilcKeyAgreementPayloadStruct { uint16 hostname_len; unsigned char *hostname; uint32 port; }; /* Parses and returns an allocated Key Agreement payload. */ SilcKeyAgreementPayload silc_key_agreement_payload_parse(SilcBuffer buffer) { SilcKeyAgreementPayload new; int ret; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Parsing Key Agreement Payload")); new = silc_calloc(1, sizeof(*new)); /* Parse the payload */ ret = silc_buffer_unformat(buffer, SILC_STR_UI16_NSTRING_ALLOC(&new->hostname, &new->hostname_len), SILC_STR_UI_INT(&new->port), SILC_STR_END); if (ret == -1) { silc_free(new); return NULL; } return new; } /* Encodes the Key Agreement protocol and returns the encoded buffer */ SilcBuffer silc_key_agreement_payload_encode(char *hostname, uint32 port) { SilcBuffer buffer; uint32 len = hostname ? strlen(hostname) : 0; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Encoding Key Agreement Payload")); buffer = silc_buffer_alloc(2 + len + 4); silc_buffer_pull_tail(buffer, SILC_BUFFER_END(buffer)); silc_buffer_format(buffer, SILC_STR_UI_SHORT(len), SILC_STR_UI_XNSTRING(hostname, len), SILC_STR_UI_INT(port), SILC_STR_END); return buffer; } /* Frees the Key Agreement protocol */ void silc_key_agreement_payload_free(SilcKeyAgreementPayload payload) { if (payload) { silc_free(payload->hostname); silc_free(payload); } } /* Returns the hostname in the payload */ char *silc_key_agreement_get_hostname(SilcKeyAgreementPayload payload) { return payload->hostname; } /* Returns the port in the payload */ uint32 silc_key_agreement_get_port(SilcKeyAgreementPayload payload) { return payload->port; }