/* silcattrs.c Author: Pekka Riikonen Copyright (C) 2002 Pekka Riikonen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* Implementation of Attribute Payload routines */ /* $Id$ */ #include "silcincludes.h" #include "silcattrs.h" /****************************************************************************** Attribute Payload ******************************************************************************/ struct SilcAttributePayloadStruct { SilcAttribute attribute; SilcAttributeFlags flags; SilcUInt16 data_len; unsigned char *data; }; /* Internal routine for encoding a attribute */ static unsigned char * silc_attribute_payload_encode_int(SilcAttribute attribute, SilcAttributeFlags flags, void *object, SilcUInt32 object_size, SilcUInt32 *ret_len) { SilcBuffer tmpbuf = NULL; unsigned char tmp[4], *str = NULL, *ret; SilcUInt32 len; /* Encode according to attribute type */ if (flags & SILC_ATTRIBUTE_FLAG_VALID) { if (!object && !object_size) return NULL; switch (attribute) { case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_USER_INFO: { SilcVCard vcard = object; if (object_size != sizeof(*vcard)) return NULL; str = silc_vcard_encode(vcard, &object_size); if (!str) return NULL; object = str; } break; case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_SERVICE: { SilcAttributeObjService *service = object; SilcUInt32 len2; if (object_size != sizeof(*service)) return NULL; len = strlen(service->address); len2 = strlen(service->signon); tmpbuf = silc_buffer_alloc_size(13 + len + len2); silc_buffer_format(tmpbuf, SILC_STR_UI_INT(service->port), SILC_STR_UI_SHORT(len), SILC_STR_UI_XNSTRING(service->address, len), SILC_STR_UI_CHAR(service->status), SILC_STR_UI_SHORT(len2), SILC_STR_UI_XNSTRING(service->signon, len2), SILC_STR_UI_INT(service->idle), SILC_STR_END); object = tmpbuf->data; object_size = tmpbuf->len; } break; case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_STATUS_MOOD: case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_PREFERRED_CONTACT: { SilcUInt32 mask = (SilcUInt32)object; if (object_size != sizeof(SilcUInt32)) return NULL; SILC_PUT32_MSB(mask, tmp); object = tmp; object_size = sizeof(SilcUInt32); } break; case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_STATUS_FREETEXT: case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_PREFERRED_LANGUAGE: case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_TIMEZONE: { unsigned char *string = object; str = silc_malloc(2 + object_size); if (!str) return NULL; SILC_PUT16_MSB(object_size, str); memcpy(str + 2, string, object_size); object = str; object_size += 2; } break; case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_STATUS_MESSAGE: case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_EXTENSION: { SilcAttributeObjMime *mime = object; if (object_size != sizeof(*mime)) return NULL; object = (void *)mime->mime; object_size = mime->mime_len; } break; case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_GEOLOCATION: { SilcAttributeObjGeo *geo = object; SilcUInt32 len1, len2, len3, len4; if (object_size != sizeof(*geo)) return NULL; len1 = (geo->longitude ? strlen(geo->longitude) : 0); len2 = (geo->latitude ? strlen(geo->latitude) : 0); len3 = (geo->altitude ? strlen(geo->altitude) : 0); len4 = (geo->accuracy ? strlen(geo->accuracy) : 0); if (len1 + len2 + len3 + len4 == 0) return NULL; len = len1 + len2 + len3 + len4; tmpbuf = silc_buffer_alloc_size(8 + len); if (!tmpbuf) return NULL; silc_buffer_format(tmpbuf, SILC_STR_UI_SHORT(len1), SILC_STR_UI16_STRING(len1 ? geo->longitude : ""), SILC_STR_UI_SHORT(len2), SILC_STR_UI16_STRING(len2 ? geo->latitude : ""), SILC_STR_UI_SHORT(len3), SILC_STR_UI16_STRING(len3 ? geo->altitude : ""), SILC_STR_UI_SHORT(len4), SILC_STR_UI16_STRING(len4 ? geo->accuracy : ""), SILC_STR_END); object = tmpbuf->data; object_size = tmpbuf->len; } break; case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE_INFO: { SilcAttributeObjDevice *dev = object; SilcUInt32 len1, len2, len3, len4; if (object_size != sizeof(*dev)) return NULL; len1 = (dev->manufacturer ? strlen(dev->manufacturer) : 0); len2 = (dev->version ? strlen(dev->version) : 0); len3 = (dev->model ? strlen(dev->model) : 0); len4 = (dev->language ? strlen(dev->language) : 0); if (len1 + len2 + len3 + len4 == 0) return NULL; len = len1 + len2 + len3 + len4; tmpbuf = silc_buffer_alloc_size(4 + 8 + len); if (!tmpbuf) return NULL; silc_buffer_format(tmpbuf, SILC_STR_UI_INT(dev->type), SILC_STR_UI_SHORT(len1), SILC_STR_UI16_STRING(len1 ? dev->manufacturer : ""), SILC_STR_UI_SHORT(len2), SILC_STR_UI16_STRING(len2 ? dev->version : ""), SILC_STR_UI_SHORT(len3), SILC_STR_UI16_STRING(len3 ? dev->model : ""), SILC_STR_UI_SHORT(len4), SILC_STR_UI16_STRING(len4 ? dev->language : ""), SILC_STR_END); object = tmpbuf->data; object_size = tmpbuf->len; } break; case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_USER_PUBLIC_KEY: case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY: { SilcAttributeObjPk *pk = object; if (object_size != sizeof(*pk)) return NULL; len = (pk->type ? strlen(pk->type) : 0); tmpbuf = silc_buffer_alloc_size(2 + len + pk->data_len); if (!tmpbuf) return NULL; silc_buffer_format(tmpbuf, SILC_STR_UI_SHORT(len), SILC_STR_UI16_STRING(pk->type), SILC_STR_UI_XNSTRING(pk->data, pk->data_len), SILC_STR_END); object = tmpbuf->data; object_size = tmpbuf->len; } break; case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_USER_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE: case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_SERVER_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE: { SilcAttributeObjPk *pk = object; if (object_size != sizeof(*pk)) return NULL; object = pk->data; object_size = pk->data_len; } break; default: return NULL; break; } ret = silc_memdup(object, object_size); if (tmpbuf) silc_buffer_free(tmpbuf); silc_free(str); if (ret_len) *ret_len = object_size; return ret; } return NULL; } /* Allocates attribute payload and encodes the attribute there */ SilcAttributePayload silc_attribute_payload_alloc(SilcAttribute attribute, SilcAttributeFlags flags, void *object, SilcUInt32 object_size) { SilcAttributePayload attr; SilcUInt32 tmp_len; attr = silc_calloc(1, sizeof(*attr)); if (!attr) return NULL; attr->attribute = attribute; attr->flags = flags; attr->data = silc_attribute_payload_encode_int(attribute, flags, object, object_size, &tmp_len); attr->data_len = (SilcUInt16)tmp_len; if (!attr->data) { silc_free(attr); return NULL; } return attr; } /* Parse list of payloads */ SilcDList silc_attribute_payload_parse(const unsigned char *payload, SilcUInt32 payload_len) { SilcBufferStruct buffer; SilcDList list; SilcAttributePayload newp; SilcUInt32 len; int ret; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Parsing Attribute Payload list")); silc_buffer_set(&buffer, (unsigned char *)payload, payload_len); list = silc_dlist_init(); while (buffer.len) { newp = silc_calloc(1, sizeof(*newp)); if (!newp) goto err; ret = silc_buffer_unformat(&buffer, SILC_STR_UI_CHAR(&newp->attribute), SILC_STR_UI_CHAR(&newp->flags), SILC_STR_UI16_NSTRING_ALLOC(&newp->data, &newp->data_len), SILC_STR_END); if (ret == -1) goto err; if (newp->data_len > buffer.len) { SILC_LOG_ERROR(("Incorrect attribute payload in list")); goto err; } len = 4 + newp->data_len; if (buffer.len < len) break; silc_buffer_pull(&buffer, len); silc_dlist_add(list, newp); } return list; err: silc_attribute_payload_list_free(list); return NULL; } /* Encode one attribute payload to buffer */ SilcBuffer silc_attribute_payload_encode(SilcBuffer attrs, SilcAttribute attribute, SilcAttributeFlags flags, void *object, SilcUInt32 object_size) { object = silc_attribute_payload_encode_int(attribute, flags, object, object_size, &object_size); attrs = silc_attribute_payload_encode_data(attrs, attribute, flags, (const unsigned char *)object, object_size); silc_free(object); return attrs; } /* Encoded the attribute data directly to buffer */ SilcBuffer silc_attribute_payload_encode_data(SilcBuffer attrs, SilcAttribute attribute, SilcAttributeFlags flags, const unsigned char *data, SilcUInt32 data_len) { SilcBuffer buffer = attrs; SilcUInt32 len; len = 4 + (SilcUInt16)data_len; buffer = silc_buffer_realloc(buffer, (buffer ? buffer->truelen + len : len)); if (!buffer) return NULL; silc_buffer_pull(buffer, buffer->len); silc_buffer_pull_tail(buffer, len); silc_buffer_format(buffer, SILC_STR_UI_CHAR(attribute), SILC_STR_UI_CHAR(flags), SILC_STR_UI_SHORT((SilcUInt16)data_len), SILC_STR_UI_XNSTRING(data, (SilcUInt16)data_len), SILC_STR_END); silc_buffer_push(buffer, buffer->data - buffer->head); return buffer; } /* Free Attribute Payload */ void silc_attribute_payload_free(SilcAttributePayload payload) { silc_free(payload->data); silc_free(payload); } /* Free's list of Attribute Payloads */ void silc_attribute_payload_list_free(SilcDList list) { SilcAttributePayload entry; silc_dlist_start(list); while ((entry = silc_dlist_get(list)) != SILC_LIST_END) { silc_attribute_payload_free(entry); silc_dlist_del(list, entry); } silc_dlist_uninit(list); } /* Return attribute type */ SilcAttribute silc_attribute_get_attribute(SilcAttributePayload payload) { return payload->attribute; } /* Return attribute flags */ SilcAttributeFlags silc_attribute_get_flags(SilcAttributePayload payload) { return payload->flags; } /* Return attribute data from the payload */ const unsigned char *silc_attribute_get_data(SilcAttributePayload payload, SilcUInt32 *data_len) { if (data_len) *data_len = (SilcUInt32)payload->data_len; return (const unsigned char *)payload->data; } /* Construct digital signature verification data */ unsigned char *silc_attribute_get_verify_data(SilcDList attrs, bool server_verification, SilcUInt32 *data_len) { SilcAttributePayload attr; SilcBufferStruct buffer; unsigned char *data = NULL; SilcUInt32 len = 0; silc_dlist_start(attrs); while ((attr = silc_dlist_get(attrs)) != SILC_LIST_END) { switch (attr->attribute) { case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_SERVER_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE: /* Server signature is never part of the verification data */ break; case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_USER_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE: /* For user signature verification this is not part of the data */ if (!server_verification) break; /* Fallback, for server signature verification, user digital signature is part of verification data. */ default: /* All other data is part of the verification data */ data = silc_realloc(data, sizeof(*data) * (4 + attr->data_len + len)); if (!data) return NULL; silc_buffer_set(&buffer, data + len, 4 + attr->data_len); silc_buffer_format(&buffer, SILC_STR_UI_CHAR(attr->attribute), SILC_STR_UI_CHAR(attr->flags), SILC_STR_UI_SHORT(attr->data_len), SILC_STR_UI_XNSTRING(attr->data, attr->data_len), SILC_STR_END); len += 4 + attr->data_len; break; } } if (data_len) *data_len = len; return data; } /* Return parsed attribute object */ bool silc_attribute_get_object(SilcAttributePayload payload, void *object, SilcUInt32 object_size) { SilcUInt16 len; bool ret = FALSE; if (!object || payload->flags & SILC_ATTRIBUTE_FLAG_INVALID) return FALSE; switch (payload->attribute) { case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_USER_INFO: { SilcVCard vcard = object; if (object_size != sizeof(*vcard)) break; if (!silc_vcard_decode(payload->data, payload->data_len, vcard)) break; ret = TRUE; } break; case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_SERVICE: { SilcAttributeObjService *service = object; SilcBufferStruct buf; SilcUInt16 addr_len, signon_len; char *addr, *signon; int res; if (object_size != sizeof(*service)) break; if (payload->data_len < 13) break; silc_buffer_set(&buf, payload->data, payload->data_len); res = silc_buffer_unformat(&buf, SILC_STR_UI_INT(&service->port), SILC_STR_UI16_NSTRING(&addr, &addr_len), SILC_STR_UI_CHAR(&service->status), SILC_STR_UI16_NSTRING(&signon, &signon_len), SILC_STR_UI_INT(&service->idle), SILC_STR_END); if (res == -1) break; memset(service->address, 0, sizeof(service->address)); memset(service->signon, 0, sizeof(service->signon)); memcpy(service->address, addr, (addr_len < sizeof(service->address) - 1 ? addr_len : sizeof(service->address) - 1)); memcpy(service->signon, signon, (signon_len < sizeof(service->signon) - 1 ? signon_len : sizeof(service->signon) - 1)); ret = TRUE; } break; case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_STATUS_MOOD: case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_PREFERRED_CONTACT: { SilcUInt32 *mask = (SilcUInt32 *)object; if (object_size != sizeof(SilcUInt32)) break; if (payload->data_len < 4) break; SILC_GET32_MSB(*mask, payload->data); ret = TRUE; } break; case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_STATUS_FREETEXT: case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_PREFERRED_LANGUAGE: case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_TIMEZONE: { char *string = object; if (payload->data_len < 2) break; SILC_GET16_MSB(len, payload->data); if (payload->data_len < 2 + len) break; if (object_size < len) break; memcpy(string, payload->data + 2, len); ret = TRUE; } break; case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_STATUS_MESSAGE: case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_EXTENSION: { SilcAttributeObjMime *mime = object; if (object_size != sizeof(*mime)) break; mime->mime = (const unsigned char *)payload->data; mime->mime_len = payload->data_len; ret = TRUE; } break; case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_GEOLOCATION: { SilcAttributeObjGeo *geo = object; SilcBufferStruct buffer; int res; if (object_size != sizeof(*geo)) break; silc_buffer_set(&buffer, (unsigned char *)payload->data, payload->data_len); res = silc_buffer_unformat(&buffer, SILC_STR_UI16_STRING_ALLOC(&geo->longitude), SILC_STR_UI16_STRING_ALLOC(&geo->latitude), SILC_STR_UI16_STRING_ALLOC(&geo->altitude), SILC_STR_UI16_STRING_ALLOC(&geo->accuracy), SILC_STR_END); if (res == -1) break; ret = TRUE; } break; case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE_INFO: { SilcAttributeObjDevice *dev = object; SilcBufferStruct buffer; SilcUInt32 type; int res; if (object_size != sizeof(*dev)) break; silc_buffer_set(&buffer, (unsigned char *)payload->data, payload->data_len); res = silc_buffer_unformat(&buffer, SILC_STR_UI_INT(&type), SILC_STR_UI16_STRING_ALLOC(&dev->manufacturer), SILC_STR_UI16_STRING_ALLOC(&dev->version), SILC_STR_UI16_STRING_ALLOC(&dev->model), SILC_STR_UI16_STRING_ALLOC(&dev->language), SILC_STR_END); if (res == -1) break; dev->type = type; ret = TRUE; } break; case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_USER_PUBLIC_KEY: case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY: { SilcAttributeObjPk *pk = object; SilcBufferStruct buffer; int res; if (object_size != sizeof(*pk)) break; silc_buffer_set(&buffer, (unsigned char *)payload->data, payload->data_len); res = silc_buffer_unformat(&buffer, SILC_STR_UI16_NSTRING_ALLOC(&pk->type, &len), SILC_STR_END); if (res == -1) break; pk->data = silc_memdup(payload->data + 2 + len, payload->data_len - 2 - len); pk->data_len = payload->data_len - 2 - len; ret = TRUE; } break; case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_USER_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE: case SILC_ATTRIBUTE_SERVER_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE: { SilcAttributeObjPk *pk = object; if (object_size != sizeof(*pk)) break; pk->type = NULL; pk->data = silc_memdup(payload->data, payload->data_len); pk->data_len = payload->data_len; ret = TRUE; } break; default: break; } return ret; }