@SYNTAX:smsg@ Sends a signed private message to other user in the network. The message will be digitally signed and the receiver may verify the message by using your public key. If -channel option is provided then this command actually send channel message to the specified channel. The message IS NOT private message, it is normal channel message. Also this message will be signed and can be verified by using your public key. The default theme of Irssi SILC Client shows the digital signed messages with [S] at start of the nickname who sent the message, when the message was successfully verified, [?] if the message could not be verified since the public key of the sender isn't cached locally, or [F] if the signature verificationn failed. If you do not have the sender's public key you can fetch it with GETKEY command. If you don't want to verify the signatures from received messages you may do /SET ignore_message_signatures on. In this case signatures in messages are ignored and they appear as normal non-signed messages. By default, all message signatures are verified. Examples: /SMSG Foobar Very authenticated message /SMSG -channel silc Another signed message /SMSG * I truly said this See also: MSG QUERY GETKEY