@SYNTAX:join@ Joins a specified channel. Note that, in SILC the #-sign is NOT mandatory part of the channel names, and names "#foo" and "foo" will join to two different channels. If -cipher is provided and the channel does not exist the cipher to secure the channel messages on the channel will be set to . If the -hmac is provided and the channel does not exist the hmac to secure the channel messages on the channel will be set to . If -founder is provided, and the channel's mode includes founder mode it is possible to gain channel founder privileges at the same time joining the channel. If the channel has user limit, active bans, or is invite-only channel the founder can override these conditions and join the channel. Only the client who set the founder mode on the channel is able to use -founder option. If the channel has the +C (channel public key authentication, see /HELP CMODE) mode set then the user joining the channel must provide the -auth option to JOIN command. This option will attempt to authenticate the user on the channel. If the user's public key has not been added to the channel's public key list, user will not be able to join. User may optionally provide the , and to authenticate with some other key pair than with the user's default key pair. JOIN is aliased to J by default. Description See also: LEAVE, WINDOW CLOSE, CMODE, CUMODE