@SYNTAX:cumode@ Format: +|- [@] [-pubkey|] This command is used to manage the client's modes on the channel. Most of the modes require that the client which changes some client's mode must be channel founder or channel operator. The mode is added by adding + before the option(s) and removed by adding - before the option(s). The following channel user modes are available: a [@] Set/unset all modes (cannot be used to set both founder and operator rights, can be used only to remove both modes at once). f [@] [-pubkey|] Set/Unset channel founder. If the -pubkey option or is provided then the client is claiming the founder rights by providing the channel founder authentication data. If the -pubkey is provided then the authentication is performed using the client's public key. If you are channel founder you can set the channel founder authentication using CMODE command. o [@] Set/unset channel operator. Requires that you are channel operator or channel founder. See also: CMODE, UMODE