TODO for 1.2 And Beyond ======================= NOTE: Any item that doesn't have (***DONE) in it, isn't done yet. The (***TESTING NEEDED) means that the item has been done but not yet properly tested. NOTE: A TODO entry does not mean that it is ever going to be done. Some of the entries may be just ideas, good, bad or ugly. If you want to work on some of the TODO entries simply let us know about it by dropping a note to silc-devel mailing list or appear on 'silc' channel on SILCNet. General ======= o Create apps/tutorial containing various Toolkit API tutorials. o The Toolkit split. The Toolkit is to be splitted in parts. How many parts and what the parts are isn't decided yet. Each part is a separate software package. Current thinking is of the following: SILC Toolkit SILC protocol, client and server library SILC Runtime Toolkit runtime library SILC Crypto Toolkit crypto, asn1, math, skr, pgp, etc. The rationale for this is of course that other than SILC projects might like to use the various libraries SILC Toolkit provides, but naturally they don't want the bloat of SILC protocol related stuff. The Runtime library in SILC Toolkit is a general purpose runtime library, like Glib and APR are. The runtime library is to be developed further to provide alternative to Glib and APR. The Crypto library in SILC Toolkit is a general purpose crypto library providing pretty nice APIs compared to many other crypto libraries, especially OpenSSL. The Crypto library is to be developed further to include support for OpenPGP, X.509 and SSH2. lib/silccore ============ o SILC_PACKET_FLAG_ACK support. Implement ACK packet and packet payload to silcpacket.c. o All payload encoding routines should take SilcStack as argument. o Remove SilcCommandCb from silccommand.h. o All payload test routines into lib/silccore/tests/. lib/silcclient, The Client Library ================================== o Giving WHOIS for nick that doesn't exist should remove any same named entries from the client cache. o peer-to-peer private messages o Private message key request notification to application. See XXX in client_prvmsg.c. o in JOIN notify handle resolving that timedout. Currently the user is never joined the channel if this happens. What to do if message is received from user that hasn't been resolved/joined? o Message ACKing support. o in /cmode and /cumode with +r, maybe the public key and private key could be just some "string", which would then match to "" and "string.prv". o If the SILC Events (see below) are implemented, perhaps client library should provide events so that application developer has a choice of developing the SILC app with callbacks or with events. Runtime library, lib/silcutil/ ============================== o Fix universal time decoding (doesn't accept all formats) in silctime.c. o Add functions to manipulate environment variables. SilcBool silc_setenv(const char *variable, const char *value); const char *silc_getenv(const char *variable); SilcBool silc_clearenv(const char *variable); o Add functions to loading shared/dynamic object symbols (replaces the SIM library (lib/silcsim) and introduces generic library). Add this to lib/silcutil/silcdll.[ch]. SilcDll silc_dll_load(const char *object_path, SilcDllFlags flags); void silc_dll_close(SilcDll dll); void *silc_dll_getsym(SilcDll dll, const char *symbol); const char *silc_dll_error(SilcDll dll); o Add directory opening/traversing functions o silc_getopt routines o silc_hash_table_replace -> silc_hash_table_set. Retain support for silc_hash_table_replace as macro. o The SILC Event signals. Asynchronous events that can be created, connected to and signalled. Either own event routines or glued into SilcSchedule: SilcTask silc_schedule_task_add_event(SilcSchedule schedule, const char *event, ...); SilcBool silc_schedule_event_connect(SilcSchedule schedule, const char *event, SilcTaskCallback event_callback, void *context); SilcBool silc_schedule_event_signal(SilcSchedule schedule, const char *event, ...); Example: silc_schedule_task_add_event(schedule, "connected", SILC_PARAM_UI32_INT, SILC_PARAM_BUFFER, SILC_PARAM_END); silc_schedule_event_connect(schedule, "connected", connected_cb, ctx); silc_schedule_event_signal(schedule, "connected", integer, buf, SILC_PARAM_END); SILC_TASK_CALLBACK(connected_cb) { FooCtx ctx = context; va_list args; SilcUInt32 integer; SilcBuffer buf; va_start(args, context); integer = va_arg(args, SilcUInt32); buf = va_arg(args, SilcBuffer); va_end(args); ... } Problems: Events would be SilcSchedule specific, and would not work on multi-thread/multi-scheduler system. The events should be copyable between schedulers. Another problem is the signal delivery. Do we deliver them synchronously possibly from any thread to any other thread or do we deliver them through the target schedulers. If we use the schedulers then signalling would be asynchronous (data must be duplicated and later freed) which is not very nice. o If the event signals are added, the SILC_PARAM_* stuff needs to be moved from silcbuffmt.h to silctypes.h or something similar. o In case the SILC Events are done we shall create a new concept of parent and child SilcSchedule's. When new SilcSchedule is created a parent can be associated to it. This association could be done either directly by the parent or by any other children. This way the signals would in effect be global and would reach all children schedulers. This relationship would be associative only. The schedulers are still independent and run independently from each other. All schedulers would be linked and could be accessed from any of the schedulers. It should be possible to retrieve the parent and enumate all children from any of the schedulers. SilcSchedule silc_schedule_init(int max_tasks, void *app_context, SilcSchedule parent); SilcSchedule silc_schedule_get_parent(SilcSchedule schedule); o Additional scheduler changes: optimize silc_schedule_wakeup. Wakeup only if the scheduler is actually waiting something. If it is delivering tasks wakeup is not needed. o Structured log messages to Log API. Allows machine readable log messages. Would allow sending of any kind of data in a log message. o Base64 to an own API o Timer API o Add builtin SOCKS and HTTP Proxy support, well the SOCKS at least. SILC currently supports SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 but it needs to be compiled in separately. o silc_stringprep to non-allocating version. o SilcStack aware SilcHashTable. o SilcStack aware SilcDList. o Thread pool API. Add this to lib/silcutil/silcthread.[ch]. typedef void (*SilcThreadPoolFunc)(SilcSchedule schedule, void *context); /* Allocate thread pool with at least `min_threads' and at most `max_threads' many threads. If `stack' is non-NULL all memory is allocated from the `stack'. If `start_min_threads' is TRUE this will start `min_threads' many threads immediately. */ SilcThreadPool silc_thread_pool_alloc(SilcStack stack, SilcUInt32 min_threads, SilcUInt32 max_threads, SilcBool start_min_threads); /* Free thread pool. If `wait_unfinished' is TRUE this will block and waits that all remaining active threads finish before freeing the pool. */ void silc_thread_pool_free(SilcThreadPool tp, SilcBool wait_unfinished); /* Run `run' function with `run_context' in one of the threads in the thread pool. Returns FALSE if the thread pool is being freed. If there are no free threads left in the pool this will queue the the `run' and will call it once a thread becomes free. If `completion' is non-NULL it will be called to indicate completion of the `run' function. If `schedule' is non-NULL the `completion' will be called through the scheduler in the main thread. If it is NULL the `completion' is called directly from the thread after the `run' has returned. */ SilcBool silc_thread_pool_run(SilcThreadPool tp, SilcSchedule schedule, SilcThreadPoolFunc run, void *run_context, SilcThreadPoolFunc completion, void *completion_context); /* Modify the amount of maximum threads of the pool. */ void silc_thread_pool_set_max_threads(SilcThreadPool tp, SilcUInt32 max_threads); /* Returns the amount of maximum size the pool can grow. */ SilcUInt32 silc_thread_pool_num_max_threads(SilcThreadPool tp); /* Returns the amount of free threads in the pool currently. */ SilcUInt32 silc_thread_pool_num_free_threads(SilcThreadPool tp); /* Stops all free and started threads. The minumum amount of threads specified to silc_thread_pool_alloc always remains. */ void silc_thread_pool_purge(SilcThreadPool tp); o Fast mutex implementation. Fast rwlock implementation. Mutex and rwlock implementation using atomic operations. o Compression routines are missing. The protocol supports packet compression thus it must be implemented. SILC Zip API must be defined. o Add new functions to SilcStack API in lib/silcutil/silcstack.[ch]. Add silc_stack_[set|get]_byte_alignment and silc_stack_[set|get]_address_alignment. The _byte_alignment defines the default alignment when allocating aligned memory for structures etc. The address_alignment defines the default (default is 0) alignment for memory addresses SilcStack routines return. Usefull when needing aligned addresses for example for hardware devices (such as crypto accelerators). Move also the low level silc_stack_malloc and silc_stack_realloc from silcstack_i.h to silcstack.h. (o Generic SilcStatus or SilcResult that includes all possible status and error conditions, including those of SILC protocol. Though, the SILC protocol related status (currently in silcstatus.h) cannot be in runtime library) maybe (o SILC specific socket creation/closing routines to silcnet.h, wrappers to all send(), recv(), sendto() etc. Bad thing is that we'd have to define all socket options, sockaddrs, etc.) maybe (o mmap) maybe lib/silcutil/symbian/ ===================== o Something needs to be thought to the logging globals as well, like silc_debug etc. They won't work on EPOC. Perhaps logging and debugging is to be disabled on EPOC. The logging currently works by it cannot be controlled, same with debugging. SFTP Library, lib/silcsftp/ =========================== o Read prefetch (read-ahead, reading ahead of time). Maybe if this can be done easily. SKR Library, lib/silcskr/ ========================= o Add fingerprint as search constraint. o Add OpenPGP support. Adding, removing, fetching PGP keys. (Keyring support?) o Add support for importing public keys from a directory and/or from a file. Add support for exporting the repository (different formats for different key types?). o Change the entire silc_skr_find API. Remove SilcSKRFind and just simply add the find constraints as variable argument list to silc_skr_find, eg: silc_skr_find(skr, schedule, callback, context, SILC_SKR_FIND_PUBLIC_KEY, public_key, SILC_SKR_FIND_COUNTRY, "FI", SILC_SKR_FIND_USAGE, SILC_SKR_USAGE_AUTH, SILC_SKR_FIND_END); NULL argument would be ignored and skipped. o Add OR logical rule in addition of the current default AND, eg: // Found key(s) MUST have this public key AND this country. silc_skr_find(skr, schedule, callback, context, SILC_SKR_FIND_RULE_AND, SILC_SKR_FIND_PUBLIC_KEY, public_key, SILC_SKR_FIND_COUNTRY, "FI", SILC_SKR_FIND_END); // Found key(s) MUST have this public key OR this key context silc_skr_find(skr, schedule, callback, context, SILC_SKR_FIND_RULE_OR, SILC_SKR_FIND_PUBLIC_KEY, public_key, SILC_SKR_FIND_CONTEXT, key_context, SILC_SKR_FIND_END); o SilcStack to SKR API. Crypto Library, lib/silccrypt/ ============================== o SilcStack to APIs. o Add fingerprint to SilcSILCPublicKey and retrieval to silcpk.h, and possibly to silcpkcs.h. /* Return fingerprint of the `public_key'. Returns also the algorithm that has been used to make the fingerprint. */ const unsigned char * silc_pkcs_get_fingerprint(SilcPublicKey public_key, const char **hash_algorithm, SilcUInt32 *fingerprint_len); o Change SILC PKCS API to asynchronous, so that accelerators can be used. All PKCS routines should now take callbacks as argument and they should be delivered to SilcPKCSObject and SilcPKCSAlgorithm too. /* Signature computation callback */ typedef void (*SilcPKCSSignCb)(SilcBool success, const unsigned char *signature, SilcUInt32 signature_len, void *context); /* Signature verification callback */ typedef void (*SilcPKCSVerifyCb)(SilcBool success, void *context); /* Encryption callback */ typedef void (*SilcPKCSEncryptCb)(SilcBool success, const unsigned char *encrypted, SilcUInt32 encrypted_len, void *context); /* Decryption callback */ typedef void (*SilcPKCSDecryptCb)(SilcBool success, const unsigned char *decrypted, SilcUInt32 decrypted_len, void *context); Either add new _async functions or add the callbacks to existing API and if the callback is NULL then the API is not async and if provided it may be async. For example; SilcBool silc_pkcs_sign(SilcPrivateKey private_key, unsigned char *src, SilcUInt32 src_len, unsigned char *dst, SilcUInt32 dst_size, SilcUInt32 *dst_len, SilcBool compute_hash, SilcHash hash, SilcPKCSSignCb async_sign, void *async_sign_context); (if this is done then there's no reason why the buffers in the callbacks cannot be the ones user gives here) or allow only async: SilcBool silc_pkcs_sign(SilcPrivateKey private_key, unsigned char *src, SilcUInt32 src_len, SilcBool compute_hash, SilcHash hash, SilcPKCSSignCb async_sign, void *async_sign_context); or add new: SilcBool silc_pkcs_sign_async(SilcPrivateKey private_key, unsigned char *src, SilcUInt32 src_len, SilcBool compute_hash, SilcHash hash, SilcPKCSSignCb async_sign, void *async_sign_context); o Change PKCS Algorithm API to take SilcPKCSAlgorithm as argument to encrypt, decrypt, sign and verify functions. We may need to for exmaple check the alg->hash, supported hash functions. Maybe deliver it also to all other functions in SilcPKCSAlgorithm to be consistent. o Add DSS support. Take implementation from Tom or make it yourself. o Implement the defined SilcDH API. The definition is in lib/silccrypt/silcdh.h. Make sure it is asynchronous so that it can be accelerated. Also take into account that it could use elliptic curves. o ECDSA and ECDH o All cipher, hash, hmac etc. allocation routines should take their name in as const char * not const unsigned char *. SILC Accelerator Library ======================== o SILC Accelerator API. Provides generic way to use different kind of accelerators. Basically implements SILC PKCS API so that SilcPublicKey and SilcPrivateKey can be used but they call the accelerators. Something in the lines of (preliminary): /* Register accelerator to system. Initializes the accelerator. */ Varargs are optional accelerator specific init parameteres. */ SilcBool silc_acc_register(SilcAccelerator acc, ...); silc_acc_register(softacc, "min_threads", 2, "max_threads", 16, NULL); /* Unregister accelerator. Uninitializes the accelerator. */ SilcBool silc_acc_unregister(const SilcAccelerator acc); /* Return list of the registered accelerators */ SilcDList silc_acc_get_supported(void); /* Find existing accelerator. `name' is accelerator's name. */ SilcAccelerator silc_acc_find(const char *name); /* Return accelerator's name */ const char *silc_acc_get_name(SilcAccelerator acc); /* Accelerate `public_key'. Return accelerated public key. */ SilcPublicKey silc_acc_public_key(SilcAccelerator acc, SilcPublicKey public_key); /* Accelerate `private_key'. Returns accelerated private key. */ SilcPrivateKey silc_acc_private_key(SilcAccelerator acc, SilcPrivateKey private_key); /* Return the underlaying public key */ SilcPublicKey silc_acc_get_public_key(SilcAccelerator acc, SilcPublicKey public_key); /* Return the underlaying private key */ SilcPrivateKey silc_acc_get_private_key(SilcAccelerator acc, SilcPrivateKey private_key); typedef struct SilcAcceleratorObject { const char *name; /* Accelerator's name */ SilcBool (*init)(va_list va); /* Initialize accelerator */ SilcBool (*uninit)(void); /* Uninitialize accelerator */ const SilcPKCSAlgorithm *pkcs; /* Accelerated PKCS algorithms */ const SilcDHObject *dh; /* Accelerated Diffie-Hellmans */ const SilcCipherObject *cipher; /* Accelerated ciphers */ const SilcHashObject *hash; /* Accelerated hashes */ const SilcHmacObject *hmac; /* Accelerated HMACs */ const SilcRngObject *rng; /* Accelerated RNG's */ } *SilcAccelerator, SilcAcceleratorStruct; Allows accelerator to have multiple accelerators (cipher, hash etc) and multiple different algorithms and implementations (SHA-1, SHA-256 etc). SilcPublicKey->SilcSILCPublicKey->RsaPublicKey accelerated as: SilcPublicKey->SilcAcceleratorPublicKey->SilcSoftAccPublicKey-> SilcPublicKey->SilcSILCPublicKey->RsaPublicKey silc_acc_public_key creates SilcPublicKey and SilcAcceleratorPublicKey and acc->pkcs->import_public_key creates SilcSoftAccPublicKey. o Implement software accelerator. It is a thread pool system where the public key and private key operations are executed in threads. const struct SilcAcceleratorObject softacc = { "softacc", softacc_init, softacc_uninit, softacc_pkcs, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } /* Called from silc_acc_private_key */ int silc_softacc_import_private_key(void *key, SilcUInt32 key_len, void **ret_private_key) { SilcSoftAccPrivateKey prv = silc_calloc(1, sizeof(*prv)); prv->pkcs = acc->pkcs; prv->private_key = key; *ret_private_key = prv; } (o Symmetric key cryptosystem acceleration? They are always sycnhronouos even with hardware acceleration so the crypto API shouldn't require changes.) maybe lib/silcmath ============ o Import TFM. Talk to Tom to add the missing functions. Use TFM in client and client library, but TMA in server, due to the significantly increased memory consumption with TFM, and the rare need for public key operations in server. We want TFM's speed but not TFM's memory requirements. Talk to Tom about making the TFM mp dynamic just as it is in LTM. o The SILC MP API function must start returning indication of success and failure of the operation. o Do SilcStack support for silc_mp_init, silc_mp_init_size and other any other MP function (including utility ones) that may allocate memory. o All utility functions should be made non-allocating ones. SILC XML Library, lib/silcxml/ ============================== o SILC XML API (wrapper to expat). Look at the expat API and simplify it. The SILC XML API should have at most 8-10 API functions. It should be possible to create full XML parser with only one function. And, it should be possible to have a function that is able to parse an entire XML document. It should also have a parser function to be able to parse a stream of XML data (SilcStream). It MUST NOT have operations that require multiple function calls to be able to execute that one operation (like creating parser). lib/silcske/silcske.[ch] ======================== o Ratelimit to UDP/IP transport for incoming packets. lib/silcasn1 ============ o Negative integer encoding is missing, add it. o SILC_ASN1_CHOICE should perhaps return an index what choice in the choice list was found. Currently it is left for caller to figure out which choice was found. o SILC_ASN1_NULL in decoding should return SilcBool whether or not the NULL was present. It's important when it's SILC_ASN1_OPTIONAL and we need to know whether it was present or not. lib/silcpgp =========== o OpenPGP certificate support, allowing the use of PGP public keys in SILC. lib/silcssh =========== o SSH2 public key/private key support, allowing the use of SSH2 keys in SILC. RFC 4716. lib/silcpkix ============ o PKIX implementation apps/silcd ========== o Deprecate the old server. Write interface for the new lib/silcserver server library. The interface should work on Unix/Linux systems. o Consider deprecating also the old config file format and use XML istead. This should require SILC XML API implementation first. o The configuration must support dynamic router and server connections. The silcd must work without specifying any servers or routers to connect to. o The configuration must support specifying whether the server is SILC Server or SILC Router. This should not be deduced from the configuration as it was in < 1.2. o The configuration must support specifying the ciphers and hmacs and their order so that user can specify which algorithms take preference. lib/silcserver ============== o Rewrite the entire server. Deprecate apps/silcd as the main server implementation and create lib/silcserver/. It is a platform independent server library. The apps/silcd will merely provide a a simple interface for the library. o Write the SILC Server library extensively using SILC FSM. o Server library must support multiple networks. This means that one server must be able to create multiple connections that each reach different SILC network. This means also that all cache's etc. must be either connection-specific or network-specific. o Library must support dynamic router and server connections. This means that connections are create only when they are needed, like when someone says JOIN or WHOIS o Library must support server-to-server connections even though protocol prohibits that. The responder of the connection should automatically act as a router. The two servers create an own, isolated, SILC network. To be used specifically with dynamic connections. o Library must support multiple threads and must be entirely thread safe. o Library must have support for SERVICE command. o The server must be able to run behind NAT device. This means that Server ID must be based on public IP instead of private IP. o The following data must be in per-connection context: client id cache, server id cache, channel id cache, all statistics must be per-connection. o The following data must be in per-thread context: command context freelist/pool, pending commands, random number generator. o Do inccoming packet processing in an own FSM thread in the server-threads FSM. Same as in client library. o Reference count all Silc*Entry structures. Some issues that must be kept in mind from 1.0 and 1.1 silcd's: o The SERVER_SIGNOFF notify handing is not optimal, because it'll cause sending of multiple SIGNOFF notify's instead of the one SERVER_SIGNOFF notify that the server received. This should be optimized so that the only SERVER_SIGNOFF is sent and not SIGNOFF of notify at all (using SIGNOFF takes the idea about SERVER_SIGNOFF away entirely). o Another SERVER_SIGNOFF opt/bugfix: Currently the signoff is sent to a client if it is on same channel as the client that signoffed. However, the entire SERVER_SIGNOFF list is sent to the client, ie. it may receive clients that was not on the same channel. This is actually against the specs. It must be done per channel. It shouldn't receive the whole list just because one client happened to be on same channel. o If client's public key is saved in the server (and doing public key authentication) then the hostname and the username information could be taken from the public key. Should be a configuration option! o Add a timeout to handling incoming JOIN commands. It should be enforced that JOIN command is executed only once in a second or two seconds. Now it is possible to accept n incoming JOIN commands and process them without any timeouts. THis must be employed because each JOIN command will create and distribute the new channel key to everybody on the channel. o Related to above. If multiple JOINs are received in sequence perhaps new key should be created only once, if the JOINs are handeled at the same time. Now we create multiple keys and never end up using them because many JOINs are processed at the same time in sequence. Only the last key ends up being used.