TODO/bugs in Irssi SILC client ============================== o Add local command to switch the channel's private key when channel has several private keys. Currently sending channel messages with many keys is not possible because changing the key is not possible by the user. o Add local commands to list the current server and client public keys that the user has. And a local command to dump the contents of the public key to the screen. Something like LISTKEYS, SHOWKEY... o The QUIT command should wait for server's disconnection (at least for a while) before exiting the application. o The JOIN command's HELP is generated from Irssi IRCs JOIN help and the syntax is not same in SILC. This must be fixed. Most likely we must forget the Irssi's JOIN command and mimic it to get our required syntax for it too. o We should get rid of the clientconfig.[ch] in Irssi SILC and move the cipher, hash, hmac and pkcs configuration to the Irssi SILC's config file. o Add PERL scripting support from Irssi CVS. o Extend the /HELP command to support sub commands or something. So that user can say /help set mutual_authentication they would get help of the mutual_authentication setting. o Set different kind of settings, like, /set mutual_authentication, /set key_exchange_timeout, /set conn_auth_timeout etc etc. TODO/bugs In SILC Client Library ================================ o JOIN command's argument handling is buggy. See the XXX in the code. TODO/bugs In SILC Server ======================== o Add perhaps /var/run/ for PID information for the server. o Add a timeout to handling incmoing JOIN commands. It should be enforced that JOIN command is executed only once in a second or two seconds. Now it is possible to accept n incoming JOIN commands and process them without any timeouts. THis must be employed because each JOIN command will create and distribute the new channel key to everybody on the channel. o Incomplete IPv6 support: o silcd/serverid.c and its routines supports only IPv4. o The backup router support described in the protocol specification should be done at some point. o New configuration file format must be added. The new one will be done using the dotconf config library (lib/dotconf). The following tasks relates closely to this as well and must be done at the same time when adding the new config file format: o Server says that it is able to listen on multiple ports but currently that is bogus. It can, but internals are for single server. o Protocol execution timeouts are hard coded, should be configurable. o IP address fields in configuration file should accept mask format as well, IP/MASK, and not just plain IP. o Connection classes should be actually implemented in serverconfig.c. They can be defined but they are totally ignored currently. And they should be redefined also. TODO/bugs In SILC Libraries =========================== o Compression routines are missing. The protocol supports packet compression thus it must be implemented. SILC Comp API must be defined. zlib package is already included into the lib dir (in CVS, not in distribution), but it is not used yet, and it requires some tweaking on the Makefiles (we want static lib not shared). o All payload parsing (decoding) functions should take unsigned char * and uint32 as data and data length as arguments. Now some of the routines do already that but most of the routines use SilcBuffer. The SilcBuffer ones should be removed since buf->data and buf->len is more convenient to use. However, the silc_buffer_[un]format routines support only SilcBuffer so they would require reallocation of SilcBuffer. Maybe support for raw data (and not just SilcBuffer) should be added silc_buffer_[un]format_? routines. These are currently only cosmetic changes but at some point must be done to make the payload interfaces consistent. o Incomplete IPv6 support: o All network routines in lib/silcutil/silcnet.[ch] does not support IPv6. o silc_id_render supports only IPv4 based ID's in the file lib/silcutil/silcutil.c. o Add builtin SOCKS and HTTP Proxy support, well the SOCKS at least. SILC currently supports SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 but it needs to be compiled in separately. TODO/Bugs in native WIN32 support (libraries) ============================================= o silc_net_create_connection_async does not work the same way than on Unix. Do it with threads on WIN32. TODO In SILC Protocol ===================== o If channel founder mode is set and the invite mode is set on channel then the founder should be added to the list automatically so that if the founder signoff's it will be able join again to the invite only channel wihtout being invited. TODO After 1.0 ============== o X.509 certificate support. SILC protocol supports certificates and it would be great to have support for them. This is a big task as support has to be made for ASN.1 as well. I've looked into OpenSSL package as it has X.509 certificate support (and ASN.1 as well). The code does not look very good to my eye but it has some potentials. This should be looked at more closely. Naturally own SILC Certificate API has to be defined regardles what the actual X.509 library is (OpenSSL X.509 or something else). Other choice is to write own X.509 library but I'm not going to do it - I can help to migrate the OpenSSL X.509 into SILC and I can help if someone would like to write the X.509 library - but I'm not going to start writing one myself. Anyhow, the OpenSSL X.509 lib should be checked. Other package that should be checked is the NSS's X509 library. o SSH2 public keys support. Maybe - not really needed but could be nice as SSH is widely used all over the place. SILC Protocol supports SSH2 public keys. o Cipher optimizations (asm, that this) at least for i386 would be nice.