Wed Nov 1 17:21:26 EET 2000 Pekka Riikonen * NAMES command reply now shows users mode with the nickname when joining to channel. * Moved silc_client_ch[u]mode[_char] functions from silc/clientutil.[ch] to lib/silcclient/client.[ch]. Though, that place sucks, they are utility functions and should be in some other file. * Fixed some unsigned int's to unsigned short's. Patch by cras. * Fixed contrib/getopt*.[ch] to not require config.h. Patch by cras. Tue Oct 31 20:10:37 EET 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Updated README. * Added TRQ (efficient deque and list library) into lib/trq. This is a very good list library that is currently used in the SILC. Defined SilcList API over the library because I didn't like the API very much. See lib/trq/silclist.h for the API and examples of how to use the API. Fixed various places in the code to use the new SilcList API. The SilcList is meant for lists that has a structure already defined as a list. It is not suitable to add just some context to the list (in TRQ, the context is the list actually). So, I defined SilcDList that can be used for the purpose where predefined list structure does not exit. This can be used as such list. Now some context just can be added to the SilcDList. Currently this list is not used in the SILC just yet, though there are a lot places where this can replace dynamically allocated tables and I will fix these places, later, to use SilcDList. See lib/trq/silcdlist.h for SilcDList (they are all inline functions, and use TRQ internally). Also fixed some annoying warning messages that the original TRQ code generated. Also minor changes to TRQ's * Added support for querying by Client ID to both WHOIS and IDENTIFY commands into server, as required by the protocol. * Removed method function pointers from SilcBuffer structure. They weren't used to anything and just increased the context size for no good reason. This change also made silc_buffer_alloc and silc_buffer_free functions inline functions. * Disabled command flooding detection support until it's fixed so that it accepts commands in but does not execute them more than once in two seconds. * Added silc_net_localhost(), to return local hostname, into lib/silcutil/silcnet.[ch]. Also added client->hostname pointer that must be initialized before calling silc_client_init. * Added new function: silc_server_send_notify_on_channels to send notify messages to all channels client has joined. It is assured that the message is sent only once per client. * Moved silc_log_format (from lib/silcutil/silclog.[ch] into lib/silcutil/silcutil.[ch] as silc_format function. The new function is generic and is used by server as well, not only by the logging routines. * Added new SKE status type: SILC_SKE_STATUS_BAD_VERSION to indicate the provided version string was not acceptable. Added new function: silc_ske_check_version into lib/silcske/silcske.h. The function must be implemented by the application (client or server) and it does not reside in the SKE library. The function checks the version string remote end sent. * Added back pointers (to opaque context and to SilcSocketConnection) into SilcPacketContext structure into lib/silccore/silcpacket.h. * Added silc_packet_context_dup into lib/silccore/silcpacket.[ch] to duplicate packet context structure. * Changed `notify' client operation to send same arguments as client receives from server except for ID's. ID's are mapped to correct ID entry and that is returned. Also, if channel entry is not sent by server but the notify is for channel the channel entry is sent to application (otherwise application doesn't know that it is for channel (library gets it from packet's Destination ID)). * Added silc_client_remove_from_channels into client library to remove a client from all channels it has joined to. Used when received SIGNOFF notify from server. Added also new function silc_client_replace_from_channels to replace old ID entry with new ID entry on all channels. Used when received NICK_CHANGE notify from server. * Fixed ID Cache list handling in silc_idlist_get_client in lib/silcclient/idlist.c. Also, added silc_idlist_get_client_by_id to get (or query) client by ID. * Updated TODO list. * Added connection authentication status message defined by the protocol: SILC_CONN_AUTH_OK and SILC_CONN_AUTH_FAILED and added the support for these into the code in client and server side. * Added generic function silc_client_send_command to send any command with variable argument list. Application should use this function to send commands if the command functions provided by the library does not suite for the application's user interface needs. * Added new `failure' client operation. Application is notified about received failure packet if client is executing a protocol. In this case the protocol's execution has failed. * Added SKE's end notify to send the SKE_SUCCESS notify message that is required by the protocol. * Added SILC_PROTOCOL_STATE_FAILURE to indicate received failure packet from remote. SILC_PROTOCOL_STATE_ERROR indicates local error at our end. * Added status flag to SilcSKE object to indicate realtime status of the SKE protocol. * Application receives now exactly same command reply arguments as the library receives from server. However, if ID is received the corresponding ID entry is returned to the application (eg. Client ID is mapped to correct SilcClientEntry entry and that is returned). Changed command_reply client operation due to this change. * Changed all ID's in commands and in command replys as ID Payloads. Change affected both client and server side codes. All ID's sent in SILC network (with execption of ID's in SILC Packet header) are sent in ID Payload to support variable length ID's. * Server now notifies nick changes and notifies all clients on the channels about the new nickname (about the new Client ID, actually). * Implemented CMODE command to change channel modes. Supports all channel modes defined by the protocol specs except ban and invite lists. (Also, private channel key mode is supported but support for setting private channel key in client is missing, thus, this mode has no effect on client side (except that server requires that the client uses private channel key and normal channel traffic does not work anymore)). Also, invite mode works per se, but INVITE command does not work yet correctly, so you can set channel as invite only channel but inviting clients to the channel does not work (it is yet to be thought what's the best way to do it). * Added new command SILC_COMMAND_CUMODE to change user mode on the channel. Defined user modes: CHANNEL_FOUNDER and CHANNEL_OPERATOR. Implemented CUMODE command to change user's mode on the channel. Supports all modes defined by the protocol specs. * Added NAMES command reply to return users modes on the channel. * Removed unnecessary and slow ciphers from lib/silccrypt. * Set SO_KEEPALIVE option to connection sockets by default. * Added new command reply status: SILC_STATUS_USER_NOT_ON_CHANNEL. * Added notify types: MOTD, CMODE_CHANGE and CUMODE_CHANGE. Also, redefined the Notify Payload into protocol specs. * Added silc_id_payload_parse_id to get ID directly from raw ID payload data. Mon Oct 9 20:57:02 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Changed SILC_COMMAND_IDENTIFY in protocol specification to accept searching by Client ID as well. * Added support for LEAVE and SIGNOFF notify types in client library. * Added silc_id_payload_parse_data into lib/silccore/silcpayload.[ch] to parse ID Payload from raw data. Sun Oct 8 19:33:08 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Added flags parameter into silc_ske_assemble_security_properties function in lib/silcske/silcske.[ch]. * Changed notify client operation to fit better for notify messages sent by server. The notify payload received from server is now passed to the application (after parsing it to SilcNotifyPayload). It is application's responsibility to retrieve the arguments from the payload and show the message the way it wants. The message sent by server is implementation specific. * Changed public keys to comply with the protocol specification. Old public keys are not supported anymore and are not compatible. * Removed nickname from Channel Payload as the latest draft removed it. The client must resolve the nickname from the NAMES command reply received when it joined the channel. Also, changed all channel_xxxx_payload to channel_payload_xxxx. Sat Oct 7 21:55:01 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Fixed some errors in protocol specification drafts. * Created lib/silccore/silcnotify.c to implement Notify Payload encoding and decoding, lib/silccore/silcpayload.[ch] to implement generic payloads described by protocol specifications. The file includes implementations for ID Payload and Argument Payload. * Changed Command Payload implementation to use the new Argument Payload. Changed command_xxxx_payload to command_payload_xxxx to comply with SILC coding conventions. * Added suppport for Argument Payload handling in Notify Payload implementation as protocol requires it. Added the new support into server and client lib as well. Thu Oct 5 21:16:28 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Added support for multiple nicknames on same channel. [n] is added locally to the nickname if there are more than one same nicknames on the channel. * Server now sends all nicknames that matched WHOIS request. Client also shows the list received from server. * Added TOPIC command to client side. User can now set and show current topic on channel. * Added MOTD command to client and server. Also, server sends the motd when client connects to the server. * Changed version strings to comply ISO 8601. Wed Oct 4 23:29:06 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Fixed protocol error handling in client library. It should now cope even if the SKE fails for some reason. * Made new protocol specification drafts for submitting to IETF. * Implemented TOPIC command to server in silcd/command.c. * Added two new notify types into lib/silccore/silcnotify.h: SILC_NOTIFY_TYPE_NICK_CHANGE and SILC_NOTIFY_TYPE_TOPIC_SET to notify nickname change and topic setting/change on a channel. * API change of command_reply operation in client library. The application gets now the status type received from server as well. Sat Sep 30 16:57:42 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Removed the function just added to lib/silcutil/silcschedule.[ch]. * Cras fixed and optimized the packet handling even further and it should work now. Minor change to the prototype of function silc_packet_receive_process in lib/silccore/silcpacket.[ch]. Sat Sep 30 08:48:47 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Added new function into lib/silcutil/silcschedule.[ch]: silc_schedule_with_fd to select() a specified fd. The function returns after timeout expires or data arrives or goes. The function is used by packet routines to wait that all data is received from network. * Fixed data reading from network in lib/silccore/silcpacket.c. The code now assures that all data is read from the fd and then continues packet processing. This was a bug fix since the code used to drop some data in some circumstances. * Added new function into lib/silcclient/client.[ch]: silc_client_start_key_exchange to start key exchange after connection has been established to server. The code internally now uses this funtion but its main purpose was to provide it for applications that perform their own connecting. After application has created a connection it merely calls this function to start the key exchange between client and server. The library takes care of everything else after that. Updated also lib/silcclient/README to explain the usage of this new function. * Do not send to application information that connection has been established. Application gets notified it by connect operation anyway. Thu Sep 28 23:40:19 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Applied cras's patch to add silc_schedule_one function. The function runs scheduler once and returns. * Fixed the scheduler after cras messed it up. The timeout handling works now as it's supposed to work. * Added into lib/silccore/ silcnotify.h to include notify message types support. Changed silc_server_send_notify* functions, in server.[ch], to support those new notify types. Added the support for the notify types into client library, as well. Added new notify client operation into ops.h in lib/silcclient/. * Changed silc_server_packet_send_to_channel to send normal packets instead of just channel message packets. The function is now used to send the notify packets to channels. It is not used to send channel message packets anymore, as server never sends them anymore. * Added explicit casting into lib/silcutil/silcbuffmt.c to few va_arg()s as it seems to require it nowadays. I guess, if SILC is compiled with older va_arg() the new code should work anyway. Wed Sep 13 18:10:14 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Splitted core library. Core library (lib/silccore) includes now only SILC protocol specific core (and common) components. Created new utility library (lib/silcutil) that includes more generic purpose stuff. The stuff for util library was taken from the old core library. This was minor and easy split. * Created SILC Client Library (lib/silcclient) that includes implementation of the SILC client without user interface. This was major move from silc/ directory. The code has been changed so that it is transparent towards the user interface. The silc/ directory includes now the same user interface as before and it uses the new client library. Read lib/silcclient/README. Basicly, the client library performs everything else related to SILC except user interface handling. Also, configuration files are considered to be part of user interface and library does not handle them. This change also changed a lot of structures, function naming etc. Most important change was that SilcClientWindow object was renamed to SilcClientConnection in the client library. Created also new file lib/silcclient/ops.h. Also added new files silc/local_command.[ch] and silc/client_ops.[ch]. All these changes were made to make it easier for user interface designers to create what ever user interface for the SILC client they want. It is also expected that the server will be moved to lib directory as well and SILC Server Library will be created; sometimes in the future. * Removed Local commands from lib/silccore/silccommand.h as they are application specific and new client library does not handle any of those anymore. * Several functions moved to lib/silcutil/silcutilc.[ch] from old client implementation in silc/. * Added support for callback functions in SILC_LOG_* macros. Application can now set its own callbacks that will be called instead of using the default functions that will always print the debug messages to stderr (or stdout). Also, debugging can now be disabled by setting silc_debug to FALSE and re-enabled by setting it to TRUE. Note, that logging will still work even if debugging is disabled. New functions in lib/silcutil/silclog.[ch]: silc_log_set_callbacks, silc_log_reset_callbacks, silc_log_set_debug_callbacks and silc_log_reset_debug_callbacks. * To enable debugging in silc client one must give now -d option on command line. * Changed silc_schedule_init to automatically allocate task queues if they are not allocated before calling it. Thu Sep 7 10:49:33 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Added GMP 3.1 into math library. Sun Aug 20 21:27:26 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Added SILC_PACKET_REMOVE_CHANNEL_USER to remove a client from a channel in SILC network. The packet is used by servers and routers to notify other routers that user has left a channel. This little feature was missing until now. Added the feature to protocol specification as well. Added functions: silc_server_send_remove_channel_user and silc_server_remove_channel_user into server.[ch]. * Added SILC_PACKET_REKEY and SILC_PACKET_REKEY_DONE into lib/silccore/silcpacket.h. However, they are not implemented yet. Sat Aug 19 23:04:16 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Fixed joining to a channel and sending channel messages between server and router. The channel message sending should now work inside a cell. Tue Jul 25 20:46:13 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Fixed the private message sending between server and router. The private message sending should now work inside a cell. * Added silc_server_replace_id into server.[ch] to replace existing ID in the SILC network. * Added silc_idlist_find_server_by, silc_idlist_replace_client_id and silc_idlist_replace_server_id into idlist.[ch] in server. Mon Jul 24 18:33:31 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Fixed the server to server connections. Server can again now connect to router. Router to router connections probably does not work just yet. Thu Jul 20 13:15:01 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Added dynamic protocol registering support. Now protocols can registered and unregistered on the fly. Patch by cras. Wed Jul 19 19:08:46 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Added lib/contrib directory to hold routines that some platforms don't have but are needed by SILC. * Added getopt.c, getopt1.c and getopt.h from GNU C library into lin/contrib to provide getopt() and getopt_long() for those who don't have it. Tue Jul 18 20:41:20 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Added AWAY command to client. When away message is set and client receives a private message packet the client automatically replies to the sender with the away message. * Fixed a bug in lib/silcmath/mpbin.c: silc_mp_mp2bin. This bug seemed to be the cause of recent problems when compiling with gcc-2.95. * Added version detection support to SKE protocol specification and added the new changes to the SKE implementation as well. There were other minor changes in the SKE protocol as well. Many changes in lib/silcske/silcske.[ch] and in lib/silcske/payload.[ch]. * Added ^U functionality, clear input line. Patch from cras. Mon Jul 17 23:33:26 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Mainly small bugfixes on core library. Fixed some debugging logging and buffer overflow in silclog.c. * Updated config.sub and config.guess on the distribution tree. Sat Jul 15 15:33:48 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Added command lagging support in server. Client may execute commands now only once in two seconds. Thu Jul 13 22:10:21 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Optimized packet reception. MAC computation and checking is now also more optimized. A lot previously duplicated code is now used as generic by both client and server. * Fixed key pair generation in clientutil.c Wed Jul 12 18:28:07 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Added into lib/silccore/silcbufutil.[ch] new function; silc_buffer_realloc. * Moved generic packet sending/encryption functions to lib/silccore/silcpacket.[ch] from client and server. Some rewriting of the functions. * Moved all generic packet reception/decryption functions to lib/silccore/silcpacket.[ch] from client and server. The packet processing is now much cleaner in both client and server. These were major changes in both client and server. * Created many common functions in server to do packet sending. Previously code were duplicated a lot, this has been removed with these changes. Tue Jul 11 20:27:26 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Rewrote major parts of the ID cache system. Don't know whether it is better now or not but at least the API is more cleaner now. * Major rewrite on ID cache stuff on client because of the ID cache API changes. Added idlist.c to client. * Also major rewrite on ID cache stuff on server as well. Major rewrite of idlist.[ch]. SilcXXXList's are now named SilcXXXEntry's. We won't keep anymore idlist specific pointers in hand, instead they are all put into the ID cache system now. All server_idlist_* routines uses ID cache now instead of traversing its own lists (those lists does not exist anymore). SilcIDList though still exists. Also, SilcXXXEntry's are now pointers. Sun Jul 9 15:19:24 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Finally made the SKE implementation compliant to the protocol specification. All mp integers are now binary encoded as opposed being HEX encoded. * Added lib/silcmath/mpbin.[ch]. Encoding mp intergers to and from binary data. * Added into lib/silccore/silcutil.[ch] PEM encoding/decoding functions: silc_[encode/decode]_pem. Also added function silc_encode_pem_file to PEM encode with newlines ('\n') for saving into a file. * SILC public keys are now encoded either PEM or binary. Same option is for private keys as well. By default private keys are binary encoded and public keys PEM encoded. Silly HEX encoding were removed. * Added into lib/silccrypt/silchash.[ch] silc_hash_fingerprint function to create fingerprints. * Fixed a bug in SHA1; does not change the original data anymore. * Partly implemented INFO command on client and server side. Fixed CLEAR command. Changes to SERVER command; show current server(s) when giving command without arguments. Added VERSION command to client. * Added check to server that unregistered connections cannot execute commands (unless it is specificly allowed). Thu Jul 6 18:12:24 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Fixed screen refresh. * Fixed channel joining bug from client. On some circumstances client tried to join to a channel it had already joined. * Added public key verification process into client's protocol.c. The client now verifies the public key from user and saves it into ~./silc/serverkeys/ directory. Added into: clientutil.[ch]: silc_client_verify_server_key. * Changed SKE protocol's silc_ske_initiator_finish function to accept callback function that verifies the received public key. Removed old silc_ske_verify_public_key function. Wed Jul 5 19:19:02 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Added into silcpkcs[ch]: silc_pkcs_public_key[_data]_set and silc_pkcs_private_key[_data]_set. * Made the password and public authentication more cleaner in server's protocol.c. * Removed historic and obsolete protocol `channel_auth' from both client and server. * Removed wrong way of sending command status messages from server to client in server's command.c. The old way violated protocol specification. Changes to silccore/silccommand.[ch]: removed silc_command_encode_status_payload -> not needed anymore, changed silc_command_encode_payload_va to accept extra argument on variable argument list. The argument type must now be provided to the function. Also, added new function: silc_command_encode_reply_payload_va which is same as normal command_encode_payload_va except command status type is provided as extra argument. Tue Jul 4 18:26:39 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Added ~./silc directory handling. The directory includes the public and private keys for the client. Added silc_client_check_silc_dir, silc_client_create_identifier and silc_client_load_keys. * Implemented SILC protocol compliant public key. Added public and private key saving to and loading from files. Added into silcpkcs.[ch]: silc_pkcs_encode_identifier, silc_pkcs_public_key_encode[_data], silc_pkcs_public_key_decode, silc_pkcs_private_key_encode[_data], silc_pkcs_private_key_decode, silc_pkcs_public_key_alloc, silc_pkcs_public_key_free, silc_pkcs_private_key_alloc and silc_pkcs_private_key_free. Implemented: silc_pkcs_save_[public/private]_key[_data] and silc_pkcs_load_[public/private]_key. Mon Jul 3 18:51:27 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Added silc_server_get_route (route.[ch]) to get connection data for the fastest route for given ID. * Implemented INVITE command on client and server. The command were re-defined in the SILC Protocol Specification and the implementation now complies with the specification. * Implemented PING command on client and server. * Implemented NAMES command on client and server. The server side supports currently only normal server not router server yet. Some changes to NAMES definition in SILC protocol specification. Sun Jul 2 18:23:01 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Implemented LEAVE command on client and server. * Previously deprecated SILC_PACKET_FORWARDED flag is now in use again. This change was made to the protocol as well. Server should not violate the protocol specification anymore. Fri Jun 30 14:03:26 EEST 2000 Pekka Riikonen * Added SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 support to SILC client. SOCKS5 was tested. SOCKS4 was not but should work anyway.