#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Test whether robodoc can handle the --lock mode # In the lock mode it will lock on to one kind of header marker # per file and one kind of remark marker per header. All # other ones should be skipped. # use strict; use ROBOTest; ROBOTest::start("ignore items: Test"); my $checksum_not_appear = 0; my $checksum_appear = 0; while (my $line = <>) { if ($line =~ m/not\sbe\sdisplayed/) { ++$checksum_not_appear; } if ( $line =~ m/appear/ ) { ++$checksum_appear; } } ROBOTest::assert( $checksum_not_appear == 0 ); ROBOTest::assert( $checksum_appear == 2 ); ROBOTest::finish;