Installing ROBODoc The easiest way to install ROBODoc is to use one of the packages. There are package for RedHat, Debian, OSX, and a precompiled executable for Windows. You can also compile --- from the sources. On a system with autoconfig it is as simple as: ./configure make make install This currently does not work with cygwin. Under Windows you can use one of the makefile. There is a makefile for Borland C, MINGW, and Cygwin. For other compilers you might want to try makefile.plain. For instance for cygwin goto Source and run: make -f makefile.mingw-cygwin To install ROBODoc put the generated executable somewhere in your path. You can test your executable, by going to the Examples/PerlExample directory in the archive, and running robodoc. This should create a directory called Doc. In there you should now find a file called masterindex.html.