General What problem does ROBODoc solve? TODO General What is the target audience for ROBODoc? TODO General What are the possible uses for ROBODoc? TODO General On what platforms foes ROBODoc run? Win32, Unix, GNU/Linux, and Mac. But it probably works on other OS-es that have a C compiler too. General What programming languages are supported? TODO General What human languages are supported? TODO General Where can I download ROBODoc? TODO General Are there other similar tools that are better? TODO Theory What are headers TODO Theory What are headertypes TODO Theory What are items TODO Theory Do item names need to be all captitals? No. They can be anything you like, but they can not be followed by other text. You can define your itemnames in the ROBODoc configuration file robodoc.rc Use Why should I use headertypes TODO Configuration How can I define my own items? TODO Configuration How can I define my own headertypes? TODO