/* silcnet.c Author: Pekka Riikonen Copyright (C) 1997 - 2006 Pekka Riikonen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* $Id$ */ #include "silc.h" /* Returns bound port from listener */ SilcUInt16 *silc_net_listener_get_port(SilcNetListener listener, SilcUInt32 *port_count) { SilcUInt16 *ports; int i; ports = silc_calloc(listener->socks_count, sizeof(*ports)); if (!ports) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < listener->socks_count; i++) ports[i] = silc_net_get_local_port(listener->socks[i]); if (port_count) *port_count = listener->socks_count; return ports; } /* Return bound IP from listener */ char **silc_net_listener_get_ip(SilcNetListener listener, SilcUInt32 *ip_count) { char **ips = NULL, *ip; int i, k; ips = silc_calloc(listener->socks_count, sizeof(*ips)); if (!ips) return NULL; for (i = 0, k = 0; i < listener->socks_count; i++) { if (silc_net_check_local_by_sock(listener->socks[i], NULL, &ip)) ips[k++] = ip; } if (ip_count) *ip_count = k; return ips; } /* Return bound hostname from listener */ char **silc_net_listener_get_hostname(SilcNetListener listener, SilcUInt32 *hostname_count) { char **hs = NULL, *h; int i, k; hs = silc_calloc(listener->socks_count, sizeof(*hs)); if (!hs) return NULL; for (i = 0, k = 0; i < listener->socks_count; i++) { if (silc_net_check_local_by_sock(listener->socks[i], &h, NULL)) hs[k++] = h; } if (hostname_count) *hostname_count = k; return hs; } static const char *silc_net_error[] = { "Ok", "Unknown IP address", "Unknown hostname", "Destination unreachable", "Connection refused", "Connection timeout", "System out of memory", "Unexpected error", }; /* Return error as string */ const char *silc_net_get_error_string(SilcNetStatus error) { if (error < SILC_NET_OK || error > SILC_NET_ERROR) return ""; return silc_net_error[error]; } /* Accepts a connection from a particular socket */ int silc_net_accept_connection(int sock) { return accept(sock, 0, 0); } /* Sets a option for a socket. */ int silc_net_set_socket_opt(int sock, int level, int option, int on) { return setsockopt(sock, level, option, (void *)&on, sizeof(on)); } /* Get socket options */ int silc_net_get_socket_opt(int sock, int level, int option, void *optval, int *opt_len) { return getsockopt(sock, level, option, optval, opt_len); } /* Checks whether IP address sent as argument is valid IPv4 address. */ SilcBool silc_net_is_ip4(const char *addr) { int count = 0; while (*addr) { if (*addr != '.' && !isdigit((int)*addr)) return FALSE; if (*addr == '.') count++; addr++; } if (count != 3) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /* Checks whether IP address sent as argument is valid IPv6 address. */ SilcBool silc_net_is_ip6(const char *addr) { /* XXX does this work with all kinds of IPv6 addresses? */ while (*addr) { if (*addr != ':' && !isxdigit((int)*addr)) return FALSE; addr++; } return TRUE; } /* Checks whether IP address sent as argument is valid IP address. */ SilcBool silc_net_is_ip(const char *addr) { if (silc_net_is_ip4(addr)) return TRUE; return silc_net_is_ip6(addr); } /* Internal context for async resolving */ typedef struct { SilcNetResolveCallback completion; void *context; SilcBool prefer_ipv6; SilcSchedule schedule; char *input; char *result; } *SilcNetResolveContext; SILC_TASK_CALLBACK(silc_net_resolve_completion) { SilcNetResolveContext r = (SilcNetResolveContext)context; /* Call the completion callback */ if (r->completion) (*r->completion)(r->result, r->context); silc_free(r->input); silc_free(r->result); silc_free(r); } /* Thread function to resolve the address for hostname. */ static void *silc_net_gethostbyname_thread(void *context) { SilcNetResolveContext r = (SilcNetResolveContext)context; SilcSchedule schedule = r->schedule; char tmp[64]; if (silc_net_gethostbyname(r->input, r->prefer_ipv6, tmp, sizeof(tmp))) r->result = strdup(tmp); silc_schedule_task_add(schedule, 0, silc_net_resolve_completion, r, 0, 1, SILC_TASK_TIMEOUT); silc_schedule_wakeup(schedule); return NULL; } /* Thread function to resolve the hostname for address. */ static void *silc_net_gethostbyaddr_thread(void *context) { SilcNetResolveContext r = (SilcNetResolveContext)context; SilcSchedule schedule = r->schedule; char tmp[256]; if (silc_net_gethostbyaddr(r->input, tmp, sizeof(tmp))) r->result = strdup(tmp); silc_schedule_task_add(schedule, 0, silc_net_resolve_completion, r, 0, 1, SILC_TASK_TIMEOUT); silc_schedule_wakeup(schedule); return NULL; } /* Resolves IP address for hostname. */ SilcBool silc_net_gethostbyname(const char *name, SilcBool prefer_ipv6, char *address, SilcUInt32 address_len) { #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 struct addrinfo hints, *ai, *tmp, *ip4 = NULL, *ip6 = NULL; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; if (getaddrinfo(name, NULL, &hints, &ai)) return FALSE; for (tmp = ai; tmp; tmp = tmp->ai_next) { if (tmp->ai_family == AF_INET6) { ip6 = tmp; if (ip4) break; continue; } if (tmp->ai_family == AF_INET) { ip4 = tmp; if (ip6) break; continue; } } tmp = (prefer_ipv6 ? (ip6 ? ip6 : ip4) : (ip4 ? ip4 : ip6)); if (!tmp) { freeaddrinfo(ai); return FALSE; } if (getnameinfo(tmp->ai_addr, tmp->ai_addrlen, address, address_len, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST)) { freeaddrinfo(ai); return FALSE; } freeaddrinfo(ai); #else struct hostent *hp; struct in_addr ip; char *tmp; if (silc_net_is_ip4(name)) { memset(address, 0, address_len); if (address_len < strlen(name)) return FALSE; strncpy(address, name, strlen(name)); return TRUE; } hp = gethostbyname(name); if (!hp) return FALSE; memcpy(&ip.s_addr, hp->h_addr_list[0], 4); tmp = inet_ntoa(ip); if (!tmp) return FALSE; if (address_len < strlen(tmp)) return FALSE; memset(address, 0, address_len); strncpy(address, tmp, strlen(tmp)); #endif return TRUE; } /* Resolves IP address for hostname async. */ void silc_net_gethostbyname_async(const char *name, SilcBool prefer_ipv6, SilcSchedule schedule, SilcNetResolveCallback completion, void *context) { SilcNetResolveContext r = silc_calloc(1, sizeof(*r)); r->completion = completion; r->context = context; r->prefer_ipv6 = prefer_ipv6; r->schedule = schedule; r->input = strdup(name); silc_thread_create(silc_net_gethostbyname_thread, r, FALSE); } /* Resolves hostname by IP address. */ SilcBool silc_net_gethostbyaddr(const char *addr, char *name, SilcUInt32 name_len) { #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 struct addrinfo req, *ai; memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); req.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; req.ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME; if (getaddrinfo(addr, NULL, &req, &ai)) return FALSE; if (getnameinfo(ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen, name, name_len, NULL, 0, 0)) { freeaddrinfo(ai); return FALSE; } freeaddrinfo(ai); #else struct hostent *hp; unsigned char a[4]; if (!silc_net_addr2bin(addr, a, sizeof(a))) return FALSE; hp = gethostbyaddr(a, 4, AF_INET); if (!hp) return FALSE; if (name_len < strlen(hp->h_name)) return FALSE; memset(name, 0, name_len); strncpy(name, hp->h_name, strlen(hp->h_name)); #endif return TRUE; } /* Resolves hostname by IP address async. */ void silc_net_gethostbyaddr_async(const char *addr, SilcSchedule schedule, SilcNetResolveCallback completion, void *context) { SilcNetResolveContext r = silc_calloc(1, sizeof(*r)); r->completion = completion; r->context = context; r->schedule = schedule; r->input = strdup(addr); silc_thread_create(silc_net_gethostbyaddr_thread, r, FALSE); } #ifndef SILC_SYMBIAN /* Performs lookups for remote name and IP address. This peforms reverse lookup as well to verify that the IP has FQDN. */ SilcBool silc_net_check_host_by_sock(SilcSocket sock, char **hostname, char **ip) { char host[1024]; int rval, len; #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 struct sockaddr_storage remote; char s[NI_MAXHOST]; if (hostname) *hostname = NULL; if (ip) *ip = NULL; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Resolving remote hostname and IP address")); memset(&remote, 0, sizeof(remote)); memset(&s, 0, sizeof(s)); len = sizeof(remote); rval = getpeername(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&remote, &len); if (rval < 0) return FALSE; if (getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)&remote, len, s, sizeof(s), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST)) return FALSE; if (ip) { *ip = silc_memdup(s, strlen(s)); if (*ip == NULL) return FALSE; } #else struct sockaddr_in remote; char *host_ip; if (hostname) *hostname = NULL; if (ip) *ip = NULL; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Resolving remote hostname and IP address")); memset(&remote, 0, sizeof(remote)); len = sizeof(remote); rval = getpeername(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&remote, &len); if (rval < 0) return FALSE; host_ip = inet_ntoa(remote.sin_addr); if (!host_ip) return FALSE; if (ip) { *ip = silc_memdup(host_ip, strlen(host_ip)); if (*ip == NULL) return FALSE; } #endif /* Do reverse lookup if we want hostname too. */ if (hostname) { /* Get host by address */ if (!ip || !silc_net_gethostbyaddr(*ip, host, sizeof(host))) return FALSE; *hostname = silc_memdup(host, strlen(host)); SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Resolved hostname `%s'", *hostname)); /* Reverse */ if (!silc_net_gethostbyname(*hostname, TRUE, host, sizeof(host))) return FALSE; if (strcmp(*ip, host)) return FALSE; } if (ip) SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Resolved IP address `%s'", *ip)); return TRUE; } /* Performs lookups for local name and IP address. This peforms reverse lookup as well to verify that the IP has FQDN. */ SilcBool silc_net_check_local_by_sock(SilcSocket sock, char **hostname, char **ip) { char host[1024]; int rval, len; #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 struct sockaddr_storage local; char s[NI_MAXHOST]; if (hostname) *hostname = NULL; if (ip) *ip = NULL; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Resolving local hostname and IP address")); memset(&local, 0, sizeof(local)); memset(&s, 0, sizeof(s)); len = sizeof(local); rval = getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&local, &len); if (rval < 0) return FALSE; if (getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)&local, len, s, sizeof(s), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST)) return FALSE; if (ip) { *ip = silc_memdup(s, strlen(s)); if (*ip == NULL) return FALSE; } #else struct sockaddr_in local; char *host_ip; if (hostname) *hostname = NULL; if (ip) *ip = NULL; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Resolving local hostname and IP address")); memset(&local, 0, sizeof(local)); len = sizeof(local); rval = getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&local, &len); if (rval < 0) return FALSE; host_ip = inet_ntoa(local.sin_addr); if (!host_ip) return FALSE; if (ip) { *ip = silc_memdup(host_ip, strlen(host_ip)); if (*ip == NULL) return FALSE; } #endif /* Do reverse lookup if we want hostname too. */ if (hostname) { /* Get host by address */ if (!ip || !silc_net_gethostbyaddr(*ip, host, sizeof(host))) return FALSE; *hostname = silc_memdup(host, strlen(host)); SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Resolved hostname `%s'", *hostname)); /* Reverse */ if (!silc_net_gethostbyname(*hostname, TRUE, host, sizeof(host))) return FALSE; if (strcmp(*ip, host)) return FALSE; } if (ip) SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Resolved IP address `%s'", *ip)); return TRUE; } /* Return remote port by socket. */ SilcUInt16 silc_net_get_remote_port(SilcSocket sock) { #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 struct sockaddr_storage remote; int len; char s[NI_MAXSERV]; memset(&remote, 0, sizeof(remote)); len = sizeof(remote); if (getpeername(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&remote, &len) < 0) return 0; if (getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)&remote, len, NULL, 0, s, sizeof(s), NI_NUMERICSERV)) return 0; return atoi(s); #else struct sockaddr_in remote; int len; memset(&remote, 0, sizeof(remote)); len = sizeof(remote); if (getpeername(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&remote, &len) < 0) return 0; return ntohs(remote.sin_port); #endif } /* Return local port by socket. */ SilcUInt16 silc_net_get_local_port(SilcSocket sock) { #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 struct sockaddr_storage local; int len; char s[NI_MAXSERV]; memset(&local, 0, sizeof(local)); len = sizeof(local); if (getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&local, &len) < 0) return 0; if (getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)&local, len, NULL, 0, s, sizeof(s), NI_NUMERICSERV)) return 0; return atoi(s); #else struct sockaddr_in local; int len; memset(&local, 0, sizeof(local)); len = sizeof(local); if (getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&local, &len) < 0) return 0; return ntohs(local.sin_port); #endif } #endif /* !SILC_SYMBIAN */ /* Return name of localhost. */ char *silc_net_localhost(void) { char hostname[256], ip_addr[64]; if (gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname))) return NULL; if (!silc_net_gethostbyname(hostname, TRUE, ip_addr, sizeof(ip_addr))) return strdup(hostname); silc_net_gethostbyaddr(ip_addr, hostname, sizeof(hostname)); return strdup(hostname); } /* Returns local IP address */ char *silc_net_localip(void) { char hostname[256], ip_addr[64]; if (gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname))) return NULL; if (!silc_net_gethostbyname(hostname, TRUE, ip_addr, sizeof(ip_addr))) return NULL; return strdup(ip_addr); }